Studies of the Eastern Worlds presents aspects of Eastern culture through the presentation and viewing of visual images. Students will view artwork from Thailand, China, Indian, Japan, Pakistan, Burma, Indonesia, Philippines, and Korea. Students will be challenged to discover similarities and differences in the culture of each of the countries by looking at the art from each country. The students will test their hypothesis and assumptions through further research in the media center. The final presentation of their research will include the creation of a cultural map of the Eastern World.
Lesson Plan Title: Studies of the Eastern Worlds: Cultural Maps
Keywords: Eastern World/Cultures/History/Geography/Interdisciplinary
Curriculum Area: Cultures
Grade Level: Seventh grade
Appropriate Group Size: Whole Class
Time Expected to Complete Instructional Plan: 5 days
Instructional Objectives:
Indiana State Proficiencies:
Indiana State Social Studies Proficiencies GuideGeographical Relationships: Explain the relationship between physical and cultural features on the earth’s surface.
Economics: Demonstrate the influence of physical and cultural factors upon the economic systems found in countries of the Eastern World.
World Cultures: Using the cultures of the Eastern World as a context, identify the common elements of different cultures.
Inquiry Skills: Using relevant data derived from a variety of sources, formulate conclusions, make decisions, and present findings related to various cultures of the Eastern World.
Historical Perspectives: Evaluate the effect of historical events, figures, and decisions on eastern cultures.
Materials and Resources:
Various pieces of artwork from eastern worlds:
Corbis Images:Internet Web Sites:
- 10th Century Nataraja Bronze
- 19th-Century Japanese Woodblock
- Baskets for Sale at Market
- Bracelets and Earrings from Indus Valley Civilization
- Buddha on Eight-Trigram Mountains
- Buddhist Temple in Saging, Burma
- Buddhist Temple in Saging, Burma
- Indian Elephant Raising Trunk
- Japanese Laborer
- Lion and Horse Figures from Indus
- Man Pushing Upper Class People in Rickshaw
- Statue of the Hindu God, Vishnu
Country Cutouts
- “ArtsEdNet”
- A Royal Tiger Hunt artist Udaipur (Pakistan) , Los Angeles County Museum of Art, gift of Paul F. Walter;
- “Corbis Images”,
- Temple in Sagaing, Burma photographer K.M. Westermann (Burma), CORBIS/K.M. Westermann;
- “Tauke” Is Not Coming Back Yet! Artist Lim Ka Meng (Malaysia);
- “Hermes Alegre”,
- Farm Nymphs at Rest artist Hermes Alegre (Philippines), Ad Infinitum Gallery
- “VietTouch”
- Village Well artist Le Thanh Son (Vietnam);
- “”
- Dewi Sri artist Soedibio (Indonesia);
Obtain the artwork from the eastern world countries being studied and place Throughout the classroom. Each art work should be labeled for the country it represents. Advanced research could be done ahead of time to provide the teacher with a basic knowledge of the resources available to the students on the countries the students will study.
Student Instruction:
Student Assessment:
a. Complete information found:i. religiong. Map complete with representation of all of the above mentioned items
ii. language
iii. life styles
iv. historical figure
v. flag
vi. artist or artwork
h. Oral presentation
This lesson is extended through an interdisciplinary unit with science, geography,math, health, cultures, and art. All of these lessons can be found under the title “Studies of the Eastern Worlds.”
Teacher Notes:
This is a new interdisciplinary unit developed on the idea of bringing visual arts into the classroom. This particular lesson has not yet been tested in the classroom. Its introduction will take place in the fall of 1999.