Exploring Indiana's Natural Resources
Sherry Camden
Greenbriar Elementary
Curricular Areas: Reading, Language, Science, Social Studies, Math, Technology, Art
Grade Level: 4th grade
Appropriate Group Size: Lessons involve use of whole group, small group, and individual participation
Time: 2 weeks-4 weeks
Objectives: Students will be involved in many activities that will meet the following educational standards:
Indiana State Standards
9.4.1 Identify, describe, and draw rays, right angles, acute angles, abuse angles, and straight angles.
9.4.2 Identify, describe, and draw parallel and perpendicular lines.
11.4.1 Measure length to the nearest quarter inch, eighth inch, and millimeter
11.4.4 Develop the formula for finding the perimeter of rectangular regions.
12.4.1 Discriminate, collect data, construct, and interpret picture, bar, circle, and line graphs.
12.4.2 Use graphs with scales marked off with units other than one.
12.4.4 Write a story problem using information from a graph.
13.0.0 Use technology to promote mathematical understanding.
Language Arts
Social Studies
Historical Perspectives: Trace the historical movements which have led to the development of Indiana as a state.
1.1 Values and Attitudes
2.2 Computation and observation
2.4 Technology and Science
4.5 Flow of Matter and Energy
5.3 Basic Functions
6.1 Agriculture
4. Determine how nutritional intake and eating patterns affect and are affected by physical, social, mental, economic, and cultural factors.
1. Understanding the significance of visual art in relation to historical, social, political, spiritual, environmental, technological, and economic issues.
3. Describe, analyze and interpret works of art and artifacts.
4. Identify and apply criteria to make informed judgements about art.
7. Observe, select and utilize a range of subject matter, symbols and ideas in their work.
8. Understand and apply elements and principles of design effectively in their work.
9. Develop and apply skilss using a variety of two dimensional and three dimensional media, tools, and processes to create works that communicate personal meaning.
10. Reflect on, revise, and refine work using problem solving and critical thinking skills.
13. Identify and make connections between knowledge and skill in art and all other subject areas such as humanities, sciences, and technology.
J Art prints: Corbis Images
Albert Bierstadt: Emigrants Crossing the Plains
Unknown: Explorer Jacques Cartier and Natives
Jennie Wookcock: Collage Made by Primary School Children
Steve Wright and Jacqui Hurst: Starting a Collage
Unknown: Landscapes and Flower Fields Collage
Neil Beer: Emphemera of the World
Tom Wesselman: #25 Still Life
Helen Jennings: Paper Collage
David Teel: Ecology With Various Leaves
David Teel: High Tech Collage
Vincent Van Gogh: Landscape with Rising Sun
Monet: Haystack at Sunset Near Giverny
Monet: Haystack near Giverny
19th Century Print of Native American Woman in Traditional Dress
Delaware Native American Black Beaver
Benjamin West: Penn's Treaty with the Indians
Guerrier Iroquois
Theodor de Bry: Native American Settlement
Theodor de Bry: Native American Village
Theodor de Bry: Native Americans Preparing Food
Map of Indiana
Native American Indians
Native American Indians Trading
J Art prints: Grove Dictionary of Art Online
Search Articles:Collage; AssemblageExternal Links:Native North American Art; Sub Article: Introduction, Geography and People, Woodlands
- Ray Johnson; January/February, Detroit Institute of Art
- Pablo Picasso: Guitar on a Table, Hood Museum of Art
External Links:
- Waverly Tablet, Cincinnati Art Museum
- Alfonso Roybal (Awa Tsireh), Eagle Dancers, National Museum of American Art
- Prescription Stick 1860, Detroit Institute of Art
- Heddle 1860, Detroit Institute of Art
- Alfonso Roybal (AWA Tsireh), Buffalo Mother , National Museum of American Art
- Drumsticks 1875-1900, Detroit Institute of Art
- Wooden Bowl With Brass Handles 1800, Detroit Institute of Art
- Spoon 1870, Detroit Institute of Art
- Coat 1835-50, Detroit Institute of Art
- Shoulder Bag, Detroit Institute of Art
- Mocassins c1830, Detroit Institute of Art
- Storage Bag c1890, Detroit Institute of Art
George de Forest Brush, The Moose Chase, National Museum of American Art
J Museums:
Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art;
Indiana Historical Society;
Indiana State Museum;
J Web Sites:
Ohio Indians Learning Links;
Ohio Kids;
Kokomo - Howard County Public Library;
Project CanalTrek;
Francis Slocum;
Delaware Indians;
Study Web Native Americans;
Corn and Indians of the Northeast;
J Books
J Other Materials
Blank Indiana map
Map indicating European settlements in Indiana
3-4 different soil samples
glass jars with lids
magnifying glass
grow light
Corn by Raymond Bial
Scientific Method page
Cut outs in shapes as follows: (one complete set for each student)red heart (love), green rectangle (expensive), yellow pencil (skill), blue clock (time consuming), purple house (would like in house), brown triangle (hate it)Materials for grain collage
Poster Board
Tag Paper
Movie "Squanto"
Teacher Notes:
There are several great sites on the Internet that deal with agriculture. Use keywords that follow: agriculture, soil, Farm Bureau. The GLOBE website is a great resource. It is an interactive soil website for students and teachers. They recommend tens of books, videos, etc for the classroom.
Other art Web sites of interest:
Amico Art Image Database
Arts Connected
Corbis Images
Students should be to the point in time (Social Studies) when the French and British are moving westward toward Indiana. Teachers should have knowledge of the migration of early American settlers to disperse to the students. Teachers should allow students to question and research for answers instead of teacher directed lecture. Teachers need to prepare all materials mentioned in advance.
Student Instructions:
Activity #1
Materials: art work, pencil, paper
Focus attention to Albert Bierstadt's Emigrants Crossing the Plains. Encourage students to focus on what is happening in the print. Ask the students the following:
"What is going on here?"Allow a few minutes for students to examine the work. After looking over the artwork, ask the students to compose 5 questions that they have about what they see. Students will compose one question for each 'W' question word.
"Why are they doing this?"
Example: Who are they? Where are they going? What are they driving? Why are they in carriages? When did this happen?Take time for students to share the questions they have written with the class. Collect questions for activity #2.
Activity #2
Materials: small groups, Internet, student Soc. St. Text
Center 1: Computer-internet accessible
Center 2: Student Text
Center 3: Library Reference books
Center 4: Library Reference books
Students are required to write at least 2 facts from each groups' presentation. Students will be given a quiz over knowledge gained.
Activity #3
Materials: USA map with state outlines for students, overhead copy of
same map for teacher, overhead marker for teacher, colored pencils for
Demonstrate the path that the French took to get to Indiana by drawing the path in red marker on the overhead map. Students will do the same with a colored pencil on their map. Repeat the same steps with a different color for the route the British took to get to Indiana. Discuss with students what the terrain and travel was like through each state as the path is drawn. Make sure to add a legend and key on your map.
Journal: Students write a 15-minute timed writing in their journal reflecting on the following: What would have been the hardest for the settlers? "easiest?" "most fun?"
Activity #4
Materials: art print from unknown artist titled: Explorer Jacques
Cartier and Natives, movie Squanto, Journals.
Ask, "Why do you think the settlers stopped in Indiana?" Invite students to share ideas and place ideas on a web in front of the room.
Ask, "What did they find when they got here?" Again, make a web of student thoughts on tag board. After students are finished with their thoughts, present them with the work of art.
Challenge students to think of what it would be like to meet someone of a different culture for the first time. Students will record their personal feelings in their journal for 10 minutes.
Show Movie. After movie students immediately record feelings in journal. Reflect on what was written before the movie and after viewing the film.
Activity #5
Materials: pictures of Native American Tribes in Indiana (picture and
reference books, The Children's Museum, The Eiteljorg Museum, The Indiana
Historical Society, The Indiana State Museum, Grove Dictionary of Art Online
– Woodland Indians), sheet paper, crayons, markers, reference book for
French/British language, reference for Native American Language.
Create a Rubric for requirements in skit.
Activity #6
Materials: boxes of different grain cereal, blank Indiana map, glue,
Extension Activity:
Students can research the nutritional value of corn and other grains found in Indiana. Read labels from cans of corn, research nutrition and food pyramid on the Internet.
Activity #7
Materials:"Corn" and "Corn is Maize"
Read "Corn" and "Corn is Maize" to the students. Reflect and discuss book with students.
Activity #8
Materials: tag paper, marker
Ask, "Why was corn important to the settlers?" Explain to the students that corn is valuable to the Indians and Pioneers due to the number of things that come from the corn. On the tag board, make a map displaying students ideas for the uses for corn.
Extension Activity:
Introduce students to the stock market on-line. Daily, have students check for the price per bushel of corn and wheat. Record amount in a spreadsheet. At the end of the unit, convert the spreadsheet into a graph.
Activity #9
Materials: 'punch-outs' of heart, money, hand, clock,
ribbon, house, triangle, prints of the following:
- Collage Made by Primary School Children by Jennie Woodcock
- Starting a Collage by Steve Wright and Jacqui Hurst
- Landscapes and Flower Fields Collage by Unknown
- Emphemera of the World by Neil Beer
- #25 Still Life by Tom Wesselman
- Paper Collage by Helen Jennings
- Ecology with Various Leaves by David Teel
- High Tech Collage by David Teel
Homework Activity to prepare for Activity #10:
Students collect objects to put on a collage that represents all the things that we use corn for. (Taco shell box, can of corn, wrappers, etc.)
Activity #10
Materials: Anything students collect that has to do with corn or
anything that has corn in it, poster board, and markers
Creating the collage:
Activity #11
Materials: tag board, marker, and prints that follow:
Ask, "What is needed for corn to grow?" Pass out Scientific Method Record Sheet. Students fill in the Hypothesis with the answer to that question.
Focusing on the prints, volunteers explain what they have written and what inspired them from the art to write about it.
Activity #12
Materials: 4 samples of soil, newspaper, 4 sifters, magnifying
glasses, 4 glass jars with lids, water
Separate class into 4 groups. Distribute a soil sample to each group. Students need to test the soil and record results on worksheet.
Make sure all students have a complete chart before going on. Invite students to share their test results.
Activity #13
Materials: pencil, paper, names and addresses of local farmers, farm
stores, or local agricultural centers.
Review friendly letter writing skills. Brainstorm a list of questions students have about growing corn. Using the questions, create letters to local farmers, etc. asking them to respond and explain the questions that the students have. Include e-mail and return addresses. Write a rough draft, edit, and type a final copy.
Activity #14
Materials: Kernels of corn, construction paper, colored pencils
Encourage students to think of a word that has something in common with corn. (yellow, hard, crunchy, buttery, taco shells, Etc…) Create an acrostic poem using the chosen word. The main word formed in the acrostic poem is made by gluing kernels of corn to form the letters. The words that come from the main letters are written in colored pencil or marker.
Activity 15:
Materials: Journal, Prints:
- Farmyard by George Wesley Bellows
- Last Days of Harvest by Winslow Homer
- Buckwheat Harvest by Jean Franois Millet
- The Farmers Home-Harvest by Frances F Palmer
- Hay Harvest At Eragny by Camille Pissarro
Ask, "How did these people celebrate after working in the fields?"
Student discussion will lead toward a Thanksgiving Celebration.
Activity #16
Materials: Pitch in menu items from students
Culminating Activity: Students bring in a product made from corn for a "Corn Feast."
Students may bring in items such as popcorn ball, corn tortillas, salsas, casseroles, etc.
Extension Activities:
Centers (Stations):