Art Exposes are required semester projects that fourth and fifth year foreign language students will put together for credit. The unit will introduce students to art forms of specific artists. Each student will choose a particular artist of the foreign language s/he is studying and present the information with a slide show using software such as PowerPoint and submit a two page paper in the foreign language.
Instructional Plan Title: Art Exposes
Keywords: Impressionism, joie de vivre, fiesta, Hispanic art
Curriculum Area: Spanish and French Foreign Languge
Grade Level: Fourth and Fifth Year French and Spanish Classes
Appropriate Group Size: This is a whole group activity. It would work with any class size.
Time Expected to Complete Instructional Plan: Ten days
Instructional Objectives:
Indiana State Proficiencies: Foreign Language
3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its culture.
4.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the culture's studies and their own.
5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Materials and Resources:
Student Instructions:
Day One: Show slide show of fine art images. Ask students to comment on what they see and what they like about each image. Distribute list of artists students may choose for research.
Day Two - Day Three: Computer use: Students visit Web sites and select four to six images of their chosen artist. Begin research on life of artist.
Day Four: Field trip to Indianapolis Museum of Art
Day Five - Day Six: Students work on PowerPoint presentation and foreign language paper.
Day Seven: Create their own work or art in style of chosen artist. SKILL NOT IMPORTANT
Day Eight - Ten: Students present slide show to the class in the foreign language, and also turn in their two-page biography of their artist in the foreign language.
Student Assessment:
Expansion/Interdisciplinary Connections: : The PowerPoint presentations can be displayed during Open House or school/community festivals. Have the students keep a journal while they work on the project.
Teacher Notes: Be careful with some of the artwork that students choose to make sure it is appropriate for school activities. The kids love to recreate a picture of their artist. The school art teacher can be of extreme help with the drawing activity.