Hispanic Artists
by Jackie McCracken
Belzer Middle School
MSD Lawrence Township
Instructional Plan Title: Student-made brochures of Hispanic Artists and artworks
Keywords: Brochure, festival, Spanish, interdisciplinary, Hispanic Artists, art
Curriculum Area: Foreign language - Spanish
Grade Level: Seventh and Eighth grade
Appropriate Group Size: Whole Class
Time Expected to Complete Instructional Plan: 5 days (which leads to a culminating project over a 3 month period)
Instructional Objectives:
- Discover Hispanic Artists by use of Internet Websites: Grove Dictionary of Art, AMICO database.
- Recognize the name of the artist and select two works of art that are of personal interest to the group (2-3) students.
- Create a brochure related to an Hispanic artist and two of the artworks.
Indiana State Proficiencies:
3.2 Students acquire informaiton and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that ares
only available through the foreign language and its culture.
4.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of
the culture’s studies and their own.
5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Materials and Resources:
Corbis Images:
- Woman sculpture by Picasso
- Calla Lily Vendor by Diego Rivera
- Composition by Joan Miro
- Door in Cozumel, Mexico
- Mexican Posada Procession in Chicago
- Jaguar Masks by Sergio Dorantes
- Mexican & El Salvadorian Soccer by Hector Mata
- Julio Cesar Chavez and Oscar de la Hoya
- Selena Holding Grammy
- France - Music - Ricky Martin
- The purpose of this lesson is to inform the students of the various Hispanic artists that are mentioned in the textbook (Scott Foresman, Paso A Paso - A & B).
- Collect materials from any museum in Spain or a Spanish-speaking country, slides, posters, postcards, brochures, and magazines.
- Reserve the computer lab. Students need Internet access and preferably a color printer.
- Prepare the worksheet for students and the rubric.
- Acid-free paper for brochures, markers, paints, etc.
Student Instructions:
Day One:
- Introduction: speak about various artists and show examples of their work (i.e. Picasso, Velazquez, Rivera, Kahlo, Murillo, Siqueiros, etc.). Introduction should motivate students to find their own interest in Spanish art.
- Show slides of the artists work.
- Ask students what museums they have been to and what they have found of interest. Ask why so many people visit these museums. Present a wall size mural of a museum and its layout. This is an example of my own interpretation of a virtual museum with art work. I suggest each teacher creates an appropriate version of their own interpretation of art.
- Invite students to select two art works from the previously mentioned Hispanic artists. They can search http://www.ulib.iupui.edu, click on G, Grove, or Corbis Images.
Day Two:
- Revisit the previous Websites in groups of 2-3.
- Each student must answer the questions on the enclosed worksheet.
Day Three & Four:
- Have students make brochures for the two artworks of their choice in Spanish (the target language).
- Students must include the name of the artists and a printed copy of the two artworks.
Day Five:
- Present the brochure to the class and explain why they chose the two artworks and the specific artist. Remind them that these brochures will be displayed at the International Festival.
Hispanic Artists & Art Works
Using Grove Dictionary of Art Online or Corbis Images from the IUPUI K-12 Community Project site, http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/imls/, select two works of art that you would like to contain in your brochure.
Answer the following questions.
- What is the name of the artist(s) and the works you chose?
- Where did you locate the art work?
- Provide me with your own interpretation of each art work.
- Write two interesting facts about each art work.
Student Assessment:
- Grade the worksheet. Check for comprehension of artwork.
- Brochures will be graded by using the following rubric:
Describe how this instructional plan could be extended or expanded:
- Culminating activity: the brochures will be attractively displayed at an International Festival.
- Future lessons could include similar lesson plans on different subjects such as: historical sites, monuments, restaurants, shopping, etc.
- Other activities could include journal entries and/or letters to pen pals about the an imaginary trip to a museum.
Provide family activities if applicable:
- The family can practice reading other brochures or advertisements from a magazine written in a foreign language. They can use cognates to try to figure out the meaning of the advertisement.
- Families who vacation in Florida, California, Mexico, etc. can purchase magazines in Spanish and read as a family. For fun, they can try to figure out the advertisements. Vanidades is a good women’s magazine, whereas Mecanica Popular usually contains lots of interesting items for the young men. Deportes Ilustrado is also good as often there are lots of articles about soccer and other sports. People Español is an American version of People magazine.
Teacher Notes:
- This lesson is just a section of my plan to create an International Festival among the Foreign Language Department, Social Studies, Music, Language Arts, and Art.
- I created a wall size virtual museum with authentic brochures, pictures, maps, etc. as an introduction to the lesson. By creating this, I hope to motivate the students and model my enthusiasm about the arts.
- Students can work individually or in groups of 3-4.
- If you do not use the Paso A Paso series, look through your textbook and work with those artists.
- Have popular Hispanic magazines and authentic brochures on hand in the classroom.
- Find other Websites for students to view. Be careful of the nude artworks!