Instructional Plan Team
Portraits is a language arts unit which teaches the writing process. The unit will introduce students to the self-portraits of Rembrandt and Norman Rockwell. Students will create their own self-portraits through art mediums and autobiographical sketches. Students will continue to practice appropriate writing strategies as they research the lives of the artists, write in their journal, and write a story about one of the artist’s paintings.
Keywords: self-portraits; Rembrandt; Norman Rockwell; get acquainted;
Grade Level: Third grade
Appropriate Group Size: Whole Class
Time Expected to Complete Instructional Plan: Two to three weeks
Instructional Objectives:
Students will:
- be introduced to the self-portraits of Rembrandt and Norman Rockwell leading to a discussion of what is a portrait.
- visually present their self-portraits using a variety of mediums as art is integrated into the media center and the classroom.
- write an autobiographical sketch as it relates to their self-portrait.
- share their portraits with classmates as a means of establishing a rapport for the classroom culture.
- write a response to a Norman Rockwell print. ( preparation for Indiana State Testing for Educational Progress – ISTEP).
- use strategies to read for meaning in books and articles of selected artists both orally and silently in the classroom and media center.
- explore art through technology in the media center using laser discs, videos, and the Internet.
- use the digital camera to photograph themselves and their self-portraits which will be written on a compact disc format and then imported into a PowerPoint presentation to be shared with parents, students at our home school as well as our distant learning partners in Los Angeles, and the community at large.
- research and write about selected artists in the media center and classroom.
- have their works of art displayed throughout the school and community becoming “Artists in Residence.”
Indiana State Proficiencies:
Language Arts Grade 3Visual Arts Proficiencies: All third grade visual art proficiencies are provided in this unit.
- Exhibit a positive attitude toward language and learning through selecting reading materials from classroom libraries and school library media centers; writing for personal satisfaction.
- Select and apply effective strategies for reading, including establishing purposes for reading; making comparisons and predictions; drawing conclusions; using picture cues.
- Comprehend developmentally appropriate materials, including informational materials, student writing, audio-visual media, and reference materials.
- Select and use developmentally appropriate strategies for writing using the writing process;
- Write for different purposes and audiences producing a variety of forms, including personal narratives.
- Use prior knowledge and content area information to make critical judgements, including making inferences from what they read and hear.
- Communicate orally with people of all ages by contributing to class discussions.
- Recognize the interrelatedness of language, literature, and culture by understanding the elements of story structure–theme, characters, setting, and plot, comparing literature and arts from different cultures.
Materials and Resources:
Images from Image DatabasesResources:Websites:
- Norman Rockwell
Triple Portrait
Norman Rockwell Museum of Vermont- Norman Rockwell
Lincoln for the Defense
Norman Rockwell Museum of Vermont- Norman Rockwell
Choosin Up
Norman Rockwell Museum of Vermont- Jane Boyd
Vision and Tradition
A mural at South Gate Park, in a parking lot on Pinehurst Avenue in southern California
Painting the Towns: Murals of California by Robin J Dunitz
Mural Art in California- Norman Rockwell
And Now the Fighting Fourth Artist Norman Rockwell Poster
Corbis Images--NA015695- Norman Rockwell
Portrait of Famed American Artist Norman Rockwell
Corbis Images--W1609- Rembrandt
Rembrandt's Self-Portrait
Corbis Images--IH020164- Rembrandt
Portrait of an Old Man
Corbis Images--AV003015- John Singer Sargent
The Oyster Gathers of Cancale
Corbis Images--MA09285A- John Singer Sargent
Corbis Images--MA09284A- John Singer Sargent
The Daughters of Edward D. Boit
Corbis Images--MA09287A- Mural of Harvesters and Oranges Inside Coit Tower
Corbis Images--CU003627- CA-Los Angeles
Corbis Images--54945- Crack the Whip
Corbis Images--MAO1099A
- Visit to an Art Museum by Laurene Brown
- Rembrandt by Mike Venezia
- What Makes a Rembrandt a Rembrandt by Richard Muhlberger
- Rembrandt and Seventeenth-Century Holland by Claudio Pescia
- Rembrandt by Michael Kitson
- Rembrandt by Gladys Schmitt
- Birthdays!: Celebrating Life Around the World by Eve Feldman
- Portraits by Penny King
- Lives of the Artists: Masterpieces, Messes (and what the Neighbors Thought) by Kathleen Krull
- Norman Rockwell Artist and Illustrator by Thomas Buechner
- Norman Rockwell Illustrator by Arthur Guptill
- Norman Rockwell Storybook by Jan Wahl
- National Gallery of Art
- Louvre
- ArtRageous
- Louvre
Featured Prints for This Unit:
- Once There Was A Tree (Reading Rainbow)
- Borreguita and the Coyote (Reading Rainbow)
- Norman Rockwell-An American Portrait
- Choosin Up (Norman Rockwell) Norman Rockwell Museum
- Triple Portrait (Norman Rockwell) Norman Rockwell Museum
- Vision and Tradition Mural (Jane Boyd) MuralArt Website
The teacher will need to acquire background information on the featured artists to be able to introduce this unit of study. Also, the structure of the I.S.T.E.P. writing sample needs to be reviewed to model good writing practices with the students. Quite simply, a teacher’s enthusiasm for the potential art has to enrich existing curriculum is key to the success of this unit.
Student Instructions:
Student Assessment:
Expansion of Instructional Plan:
Family Activities:
Teacher Notes:
It is important to stress that every child will have different levels of artistic ability but that all artistic attempts will be celebrated for their individuality and effort.