On behalf of the Society for German-American Studies, we would like to invite you to submit your paper for possible publication. The SGAS is happy to consider manuscripts for publication in its principal journal from individuals holding current membership in the Society. For membership information, contact the SGAS Membership Chair:
Dr. William Roba,
Scott Community College,
500 Belmont Road
Bettendorf, IA 52722-5649
For submission of manuscripts, the SGAS requests that four (4) copies of the manuscripts be submitted to the editorial address. Please remove your name from these copies so that your manuscript may be evaluated anonymously by three members of the SGAS Editorial Board. All formal aspects of your manuscript should follow the guidelines of the Manual of Style prepared by the University of Chicago Press.
The evaluation process normally takes about two to three months. There is no deadline for submissions and manuscripts are reviewed throughout the year. We do, however, request that individuals submit manuscripts by August 1 if they wish to be considered for publication in the current year's volume.
Please address any questions regarding this process to the editor and send all correspondence to:
William Keel, Editor
Yearbook of German American Studies
Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures
The University of Kansas
1445 Jayhawk Boulevard, Room 2080
Lawrence, KS 66045-7590
email: wkeel@ku.edu
phone: (785) 864-4657 fax: (785) 864-4298
We look forward to working with you in fostering research in German-American Studies.
Created: 23 November 1999, LAC Updated: 17 November 2007, BAS Comments to: IUPUI Max Kade German-American Center, mkgac@iupui.edu This home page sponsored and maintained by IUPUI University Libraries. URL: http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/kade/YGAS/submission.html |
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