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Minnesota Profile of Learning
Content Standard: Inquiry:
History through Culture Level: High School
Title of Package/Activity: History's Influence on German-American Culture
Author: Rob Williams, wilr@platec.net, Waseca High School, Waseca, Minnesota, USA

"German was once a flourishing language in the United States. German immigration then slowed to a trickle and World War I fostered anti-German feelings and English-only measures. Today, more than 45 million Americans declare their main ancestry as German, but only 1.5 million claim to speak the language. 'My heritage is German,' wrote Pam Lucas of Oregon. 'My dad was born into a German-speaking world in Nebraska in 1915, but...World War I soon halted just about everything remotely connected to the German culture. I feel cheated my dad couldn't pass the language and culture on to me. We can wipe out a language in one generation. I think it is a crime.'"

Max J. Castro Ph.D. in Vista Magazine, September 1997.

Summary Statement of Content Standard:

Understand historical periods through investigation of their cultural expressions.

Description of Student Performances:

Task 1: Research the history of immigration of Germans to the USA: identify major events, conflicts, leaders and philosophies.

Task 2: Research and produce a scrapbook of the cultural expressions of one particular time period in German immigration history. The cultural expressions include major writings, publications, or both; artistic works, architecture, technology and daily life and social customs.

Task 3: Write an essay in which you discuss connections between the cultural expressions and their historical context (philosophies, events or conflicts and people and their contributions) and how an understanding of the historical period is affected by investigating the period's cultural expressions.

FINAL ACHIEVEMENT: Use the following scoring criteria when evaluating student performance.

Scoring Criteria
4 - Performance on this standard achieves and exceeds expectations of high standard work.
3 - Performance on this standard meets the expectations of high standard work.
2 - Work on this standard has been completed, but all or part of the student's performance is below high standard level.
1 - Work on this standard has been completed, but performance is substantially below high standard level.

Expressions of History

Content Standard: Inquiry: History through Culture Level: High School

Specific Statement(s) from the Standard:

What students should know: major events, conflicts, and leaders of a historical period

What students should do:
A. Interpret ideas from artistic expressions (e.g., historical fiction, visual arts, performing arts, music, etc.) to compare representations of a historical period to selected:

a. Philosophies
b. Events or conflicts
c. People and their contributions


Task Description:

Task 1 Overview:

You have been studying German immigration to the USA using the book The German-Americans: An Ethnic Experience by Willi Paul Adams. For this task you will identify events, conflicts, leaders, and philosophies of the major time periods of German immigration on a timeline you construct. You will conduct a feasibility study and then research one time period in depth by looking closely at the historical period's cultural (artistic) expressions as a result of the period's philosophies, events, conflicts, and people.

Gather Notes

The notes will be easiest to put in order if you have them on 3x5 cards or individual sheets of paper. You will have to organize your notes in order to make a timeline.

1. Gather and record general information from accounts of German imm1igration:

2. Gather and record general information about cultural expressions of German immigration (and/or immigrants), such as: 3. Organize your notes in chronological order.

4. Construct a timeline of German immigration on tagboard or poster paper. Include:

      The timeline must be: Conduct a Feasibility Study

5. Choose a time period to pursue that has sufficient resource materials for your scrapbook (in Task 2).

6. In order to get started on your scrapbook (Task #2), conduct a feasibility study to determine the availability of research materials related to the historical period of German immigration that you have chosen. You will have to find cultural expressions of that time period and relate them to the time period.

Follow these steps:


The purpose of the checklist is to provide feedback to the student about his/her work relative to the content standard. Have the standard available for reference.
N=Needs Improvement
Student Teacher
_____ Notes are organized in chronological order. _____
_____ Notes include:
  • historical accounts (events, conflicts, movements, trends, leader s)
  • cultural items (publications, arts, architecture, technology, customs, language).
  • major philosophies


_____ Data is relevant to the topic and includes
  • accurate
  • dates important to German immigration
  • events and/or conflicts in immigration
  • immigrants and their accomplishments
  • philosophies concerning the immigrants
_____ Data is organized in a logical manner
  • on tagboard or poster paper
  • visually in order

Feasibility Study:

_____ Primary and secondary sources identified for the cultural expressions of the time period are assessed for their:
  • relevance
  • sufficiency
  • accessibility.
_____ Plan for using materials in project is logical and complete. _____

Overall Comments (information about student progress, quality of the work, next steps for teacher and student, needed adjustments in teaching and learning processes, and problems to be addressed):

Expressions of History

Content Standard: Inquiry: History through Culture Level: High School

Specific Statement(s) from the Standard:

What students should do:

2. Gather information and analyze selected cultural expressions of a period, including:


Task Description:


For the time period of German immigration you identified in Task 1, you will individually research specific cultural expressions of that time period, collecting all notes in a notefile. You will then prepare a scrapbook of cultural expressions of that time period.

Create Your Notefile

1. Individually, create a file of more specific information relating to your historical period. (You can use any relevant notes you may have already gathered.) Remember that some data may not be directly related to your topic but may have indirectly affected the historical climate. Include notes on all relevant data.

2. Begin by identifying significant historical:

3. For each of the above areas, record: Use at least ten different sources. Document all information by noting author, title, publication, copyright/airing date, publisher/producer, and page numbers. If available, use video and Internet sources.

4. You should also begin to identify ten specific cultural expressions of German immigration (done by or about German immigrants) that relate to your time period of German immigration in the categories of:

5. Once you have identified ten cultural expressions, you should research each one specifically. Begin by looking at the history of the cultural expression. Use the following prompts to begin your search: Each of these questions might prompt several more specific questions for you to pursue. For example, "Who?" can prompt the following questions: Who created this cultural expression? Who used this cultural expression? Who is pictured in this cultural expression? Who influenced the evolution of this cultural expression? Whose ideas are being expressed?

6. Write a series of questions appropriate for each one of the cultural expressions you are researching.

7. Gather information to answer your questions within the context of the historical period. In your notes, connect historical data to the cultural expression, explain the connection, and support the connection with specific examples and details.

8. For each of your ten specific cultural expressions, make sure you record:

9. Regarding the "descriptions" asked for in Step 4, some of the factors you might want to investigate are listed below, although all these will not fit with every cultural expression: 10. In your notefile, explain the impact of the cultural expression upon larger societies, governments, and other cultures, as appropriate. Support your conclusions with specific examples and details.

Prepare for Your Scrapbook

11. From the ten cultural expressions you have researched, choose five to develop into a scrapbook. The five cultural expressions must each be from a different category (writing, theater, music, etc.)

12. Create charts, visual displays, and visual organizers to show how your five cultural expressions relate to the time period in which they were created. Include authentic or replicated cultural expressions. Photographs and other replicas are acceptable if the genuine items are not accessible.

13. Each cultural expression should include specific examples and details about:

14. For the beginning of your scrapbook, write an introduction of your time period of German immigration.

15. For each cultural expression you include in your scrapbook, include:

Prepare for Task 3

16. For the conclusion of your scrapbook, you will be writing an essay describing the relationship between each category of cultural expression and the historical period's philosophies, events, conflicts, movements, trends, and leaders.

17. The teacher will facilitate a class discussion about how an understanding of a historical period is affected by investigating the period's cultural expressions. Take notes during the discussion (for your individual use in Task 3).


The purpose of the checklist is to provide feedback to the student about his/her work relative to the content standard. Have the standard available for reference.
N=Needs Improvement
Student Teacher
_____ Cultural expressions are logically connected to the historical period. _____
_____ Connections between the cultural expressions and the historical period are supported with relevant historical data. _____
_____ For each cultural expression researched, the following are provided thoroughly and accurately:
  • description
  • dates (as appropriate)
  • significance of the cultural expression to the historical period
  • documentation of sources.
_____ Cultural expressions are:
  • selected from various categories
  • presented clearly and accurately.
_____ Appropriate visuals are used to illustrate how cultural expressions reflect the historical period in which they are created. _____
_____ Connections between cultural expressions and the historical period are:
  • explained clearly
  • supported with specific examples and details.
_____ How events, trends, and/or people were favorable for the cultural expressions' creation or popularity is
  • explained clearly
  • illustrated with specific examples and details.
_____ The cultural expressions' impact on larger societies, governments, and/or other cultures is
  • explained clearly
  • supported with specific examples and details.

Overall Comments (information about student progress, quality of the work, next steps for teacher and student, needed adjustments in teaching and learning processes, and problems to be addressed):

Expressions of History

Content Standard: Inquiry: History through Culture
Level: High School

Specific Statement(s) from the Standard:

What students should do:

A. Interpret ideas from artistic expressions (e.g., historical fiction, visual arts, performing arts, music, etc.) to compare representations of a historical period to selected:

a. philosophies
b. events or conflicts
c. leaders and their contributions
B. Gather information to analyze selected cultural expressions of a period, including:
a. major writings and /or publications
b. artistic works
c. architecture
d. technology
e. daily life/social customs


Task Description:


You will write a three to five page typed essay describing what its cultural expressions reveal about the historical period and examining how the study of the period's cultural expressions affects interpretations of the historical period. It will be inserted into your scrapbook.


1. Begin by drafting responses to the following question: "What is the relationship between the various categories of cultural expression and their historical context?"

2. Provide specific historical data on the period's philosophies, events or conflicts, movements or trends, leaders and their contributions.

3. Make connections between the historical data and each of the 5 cultural expressions you are using in your scrapbook. Then make a generalized statement about the entire category of each cultural expression and its relationship to the historical period.

For instance, considering the category of clothing styles for the Sixties, we could make connections between blue jeans and the Anti-War and Civil Rights movements by stating that the history of blue jeans shows they were associated with the lower economic classes of working people, which ties into the values and beliefs of both those movements. Having provided that specific historical information, we could make an assertion about clothing styles in the Sixties, such as, "Clothing styles tended to become more informal throughout U.S. society, which helped to break down class distinctions because people couldn't be automatically identified as belonging to a lower economic class just by wearing casual clothing."

4. Using the notes you took during the Task 2 class discussion, and reflecting on this entire project, draft responses to the following question: "How is an understanding of an historical period affected by investigating the period's cultural expressions?" Provide specific examples and details to support your conclusions.

5. Review all the draft responses you have made to the two questions, organize your material, and create a three to five page typed essay. Be sure to support all your statements with specific examples and details. (For paper format and documentation of sources, follow the guidelines provided by your teacher.)


The purpose of the checklist is to provide feedback to the student about his/her work relative to the content standard. Have the standard available for reference.

N=Needs Improvement

Student Teacher
_____ The relationship between each cultural expression category and its historical context is
  • accurate
  • clearly described.
_____ The relationships are supported with specific examples and details that include the historical era's:
  • philosophies
  • events or conflicts
  • movements or trends
  • leaders and their contributions.
_____ Conclusions about how an understanding of a historical period is affected by investigating the period's cultural expressions are supported with:
  • specific historic data
  • specific examples and details of the cultural expressions.

Overall Comments (information about student progress, quality of the work, next steps for teacher and student, needed adjustments in teaching and learning processes, and problems to be addressed):

Internet Resources:
Max Kade German-American Center, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

German-American links provided by German-American Studies at University of Cincinnati.

Robert Shea's German-Americana websites

German Americans: an Ethnic Experience (complete text)

The Future of Spanish in the United States (parallels can be drawn with German immigration)

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Created: 17 August 1999, LDB
Updated: 28 July 2008, BAS
Comments to: IUPUI Max Kade German-American Center, mkgac@iupui.edu
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