

Page 13   -   The Louisville Daily Journal, October 4, 1861 stated the regiment arrived aboard the N. W. Thomas and the remainder of the article was entirely accurate. The Louisville Democrat, October 2, 1861 reported the regiment arrived on the Lancaster and Madison City but the remainder of the article contained several inaccuracies consistent with the newspaper's reporting. Recent research of the Madison Daily Courier, October 2, 1861 and the Täglicher Louisville Anzeiger, October 3, 1861 verify the arrival of the regiment on the Lancaster and Madison City.

Page 45   -  The Official Records, Volume XXXIX/2 page 777 indicates that work on Fort Willich began in the winter of 1862. Page 777 shows the armament received for the fort. Secondary sources show construction began in December 1862 armament arrived in January 1863.

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