Post-war letter from Thomas J. Wood to the Adjutant General of the
State of Indiana concerning dead of the 32nd Indiana buried at Ft. Willich
in Munfordville, Kentucky. Microfilm 32nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Correspondence, Indiana State Archives, Commission on Public Records.
Munfordville Ky
April 2nd 1867
The Adjutant General of the
State of Indiana
My Dear Sir
An absence from home will explain, in part, the reason why I have not sooner responded to yours
"desiring a list of names of those who belonged to the 32nd Indiana Regt. who fell at Rowletts Station and are intered near this place."
After my return home & receipt of yours, I visited the place of interment, with the intention of making list; and found that all were German.
Not being a German scholar I am not able to furnish list. And there is no German scholar here. The names of all who fell in the engagement are
very plainly engraved on a large limestone which is inside of a plain and simple railing, which encloses the graves. Those brave men deserve to
have a place in the history of the war and in the hearts of loyal men. I respectfully suggest, that you come yourself, or send some one who understands
German. If you come or send, it will give me pleasure to accompany you to the spot where the remains of the brave men lie and afford you every facility
to accomplish the object you desire. Should you come or send address me some days before, I am frequently from home.
T. J. Wood