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      Before repelling the Ranger's assault, Sachs, riddled by Rebel bullets, and three of his men, (Privates Henry Lohse, Frederick Schumacher and Richard Wehe) lay dead or mortally wounded, having fought to the death rather than submit. Wounds disabled seven other men and the band faced certain annihilation. Captain Erdelmeyer's Company A quickly positioned to secure their left, passing into a grove of trees. Captain Sievers' Company I moved to the right and contributed to a volley that discouraged the Rebel horsemen.

      In post-war recollections of the action, Erdelmeyer remembered, "Éthe wild riders were thrown back and many a one remained on the field. But again and again they returned! On the left wing Lieutenant Max Sachs, with a part of the Third Company, on the open field, grouped about two haystacks, was surrounded. He refused to surrender, and fought bravely till a bullet brought his end. Help came quickly, but unhappily too late for Sachs." [28]

      Once the Rangers were driven off, von Trebra advanced his left and center towards the retreating cavalrymen. The Confederates responded with renewed cavalry strikes along the Yankee front, while the four guns of Captain Charles Swett's Warren County Light Artillery Battery commenced firing on the Union reserves and skirmishers along the pike. The skillfully directed artillery fire of the Mississippians only resulted in a few minor shrapnel casualties among Schnackenburg's reserves. Under this barrage of shells a shattered tree branch knocked Assistant Surgeon Jeancon temporarily insensible.

      Federal batteries swung into action from positions on the north side of the river. Battery A of the Kentucky Light Artillery, under command of Captain David C. Stone, fired three rounds before troop movements made continued firing hazardous to friendly forces. Battery A of the 1st Ohio Artillery, commanded by Captain S. Cotter, was in a better position to provide support. The fire from Cotter's battery, along with the sudden appearance of Erdelmeyer's company on their unprotected flank, compelled the Confederate artillery to withdraw. [29]

      Erdelmeyer later recalled, "Meanwhile I had taken possession of a little hill on our left flank to bar the way of the cavalry. Coming then we saw thick before us the enemy's infantry and artillery. I waited now till the infantry advanced to attack our right wing, and then advanced slowly with my company. The enemy imagined the whole division behind us, and, fearing a flank attack, turned back in hasty flight." [30]

      Several of the Texans managed to gain the rear of Companies C and I by charging through the ranks of the Yankee infantrymen. From his position with the reserves on the pike, Adjutant Charles Schmitt immediately saw the danger and dispatched Company H to seal the breach. With Lieutenants Cappell and Nathan Levy in the lead, the company propelled forward with a hurrah and dispersed the Rangers.

      At the same time the Union left struggled for victory, Rebel troopers vigorously assailed the right flank. Von Trebra had thrown out Companies F, K, and B as skirmishers and had posted Company G in column just to the rear as support. Again the Texans rushed in to close quarters, firing their shotguns and pistols, directing the brunt of their attack against the skirmishers of Company F positioned behind a fencerow. The company suffered severely with ten men struck down by Rebel fire. Two privates, Philip Bleistien and John Wiesinger, along with a wounded First Sergeant John Helmkamp became prisoners as the privates attempted to carry Helmkamp off the field to safety. The superior numbers of the Confederate cavalry drove the Yankee infantry back past the column of reserves.

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 [28] Jacob Piatt Dunn History of Greater Indianapolis, The Lewis Publishing Company (Chicago 1910), 211.
 [29] Thomas B. Van Horne, History of the Army of the Cumberland, Broadfoot Publishing Company (1988 Reprint), Vol. I, 66; Dodge, 24 and 36 of Appendix; New Albany Daily Ledger, Dec. 21, 1861, 2, col. 2; Hart County News, Oct. 17, 1974, "Old Letter Describes Battle of Rowlett's Station." Copy of newspaper article on file at Hart County Historical Society, Munfordville, Ky.
 [30] Dunn, 211.