40. Arrival of immigrants in New York. These new-comers were to be used as strikebreakers. From Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, July 8, 1882.

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41. Many Germans supported the labor movement. But an anarchist's bomb that killed and wounded several police officers at a rallly at Haymarket Square in Chicago (1886) did not help the cause. Four men were later hanged, among them August Spies and Georg Engel.

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42. Alexander Berkman, a German anarchist, speaking at the 1908 socialist May Day rally in New York's Union Square.

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43. "The Two giants. Germany: 'I will destroy!'--America: 'I will create!' " The Literary Digest, June 23, 1917. A flood of cartoons depicting the Germans as "huns" or "barbarians" contributed to the anti-German hysteria during World War I.

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