For illustrations used in this edition we thank the following persons, organizations, institutions, and publishers:

Abbey Press, St. Meinrad, Ind.: 31

Christina Beyer: 22

Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz: 1, 2, 6,12, 49

Rudolf Cronau, Drei Jahrhunderte Deutschen Lebens in Amerika (Berlin, 1924): 4, 25, 27, 34, 57, 59. German Achievements in America (New York. 1916): 58

Förderverein Deutsches Auswanderermuseum Bremerhaven: 5

German Information Center, New York: cover picture

The German Society of Pennsylvania, photo by Richard Reinhold: 53

Harper's Weekly (May 15, 1886): 41

Indiana Historical Society Library: 18,19, 23

Indiana State Library: 20, 21, 36 (Indiana Volksblatt)

Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart: 9

Jasper Sister Cities Committee, Jasper, Ind.: 54

John-F.-Kennedy Institut, Freie Universität Berlin: Table 1, Table 2

Landesbildstelle Berlin: 55

Library of Congress: 30, 32, 36 (New York Daily News), 42, 50

Maryland Historical Society: 3, 44

Milwaukee County Historical Society: 26 -- also in The German Americans, by Anne Galicich, Chelsea House Publishers (New York, 1989)

Friedrich Münch, Der Staat Missouri (Bremen, 1875): 13

Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte: 8, 29

National Park Service: 11

Nordamerikanische Wochenpost: 28

North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies: 16, 33, 35, 36 (Dakota Free Presse), 37, 51

The Smithsonian Institution: 46

Staatsarchiv Bremen: 14

Staatsarchiv Hamburg: 7