Project Workshops
July 9 - 13, 2001
Art Across Indiana: Integrating Art in Interdisciplinary
Instructional Workshop Activities and Programs
Staff Development - K-Life Teachers and Public Library Staff
IUPUI University Library, Indianapolis, IN.
Art Across Indiana; Integrating Art in Interdisciplinary Instructional
Activities and Programs A Summer 2001 Workshop for K-Life Teachers
and Public Library Staff Funded by a National Leadership Grant
from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
IUPUI University Library and the Indianapolis Museum of Art
held a summer workshop for teachers and public library program
planners who were interested in incorporating the visual arts
into existing classroom curriculum and designing community programs
for the
K-Life learner. Participants explored methods and strategies
for infusing visual art into lessons and programs, and interdisciplinary
collaborations between libraries and schools. There were hands-on
opportunities using a variety of resources and materials including
technology and digital images on the Internet. The latter part
of the workshop included two fieldtrips to local museums. During
the first fieldtrip, teachers and librarians had the opportunity
to be involved in a Visual Thinking Strategies workshop offered
at the
Indianapolis Museum of Art. The second scheduled fieldtrip was
a trip to the Eiteljorg Museum. Public Library Staff were encouraged
to attend at least the first three days of the workshop.
No registration or workshop fee was charged. Two graduate credit
hours and CRUs were available to teachers who needed re-licensing.
Regular IUPUI tuition applied when appropriate. Supplies were
provided for each participant including a CD-ROM of digital
visual images.
Participants were expected to share their completed lesson
plans or public library program descriptions/ideas with
the Project for use and access by the public. Previous project
participants were available for consultations.