Works Progress Administration (WPA) Murals Project
WPA Digitized Art |
WPA Resources
Monies from the National Leadership Grant were used to purchase
rights to digitize and post WPA Mural images from the book, A
Simple and Vital Design: the Story of Indiana Post Office Murals
/ Carlisle, John C.; photography by Darryl Jones. Most of
the images were panoramic files scanned on a drum scan and then
placed on the web in four resolutions to accommodate users' varying
projection needs.
Through negotiations with the photographer of the WPA mural images,
the IUPUI University Library was able to secure fair and sustainable
terms and fee structure which enabled lifelong learning audiences
to access and use these digital images for educational purposes
in perpetuity. These digital images were available to project
educators during the 2001 Summer Processional Development workshop
and were accessible through the project website for inclusion
in lesson plans.