WPA Resources
Digitized Art | WPA Resources
Books available in Herron
Art Library and IUPUI
University Library
Bloxom, Marguerite D. Pickaxe and pencil : references for the
study of the WPA.
Washington : Library of Congress : [Supt. of Docs.,
U.S. G.P.O., distributor],
1982. vii, 87 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Carlisle, John C. A simple and vital design : the story of the
Indiana post office murals /
John C. Carlisle, photography, Darryl Jones. Indianapolis:
Indiana Historical
Society, 1995. viii, 93 p. : col. ill. ; 23 x 29 cm.
Findlay, James A. The WPA : an exhibition of Works Progress Administration
literature and art from the collections of the Bienes
Center for the Literary Arts :
October 6-December 31, 1998. Fort Lauderdale, FL :
Bienes Center for the Literary Arts, the Dianne and
Michael Bienes Special Collections and Rare Book Library,
c1998. 87 p. : ill., map ;
25 cm.
The Expanding discourse : feminism and art history / edited by
Norma Broude and Mary
D. Garrard. 1st ed. Boulder, CO : Westview Press,
c1992. x, 518 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
O'Connor, Francis V. Art for the millions; essays from the 1930s
by artists and
administrators of the WPA Federal Art Project, edited,
and with an introd., by
Francis V. O'Connor. Greenwich, Conn., New York Graphic
Society [1973] 317
p. illus. 26 cm.
The WPA/New
Deal Art Project page
Deal for the Arts
Tech Art Collection: Works Progress Administration/Federal Art
WPA 1932-1943
Period Print Collection - University of Montana
Progress Administration Art in Newark, New York - Newark Valley
High School
Oregon State Library Reference Room
Library of Congress
Historical Society
Western Reserve University - Ohio