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The original photographs of the digitized files are from the
book A Simple and Vital Design: the Story of Indiana Post Office
Murals / Carlisle, John C.; photography by Darryl Jones. Any
use of these images must be in compliance with the Terms
and Use for the Community Project.
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Title: Rural Mail
Size: 12' X 5'3"
Artist: Tom Rost
Location of building:
202 North Gospel Street
Paoli, IN
graphic size: [28.4KB]
| [46.7KB]

Title: Receiving
the Mail on the Farm
Size: 12' X 4'
Artist: John E.
Location of building:
225 South Van Rensselaer Street
Rensselaer, IN
graphic size: [28KB]
| [57.7KB]
Location of building:
Corner of Ohio and Market Streets
Rockville, IN
Title: Country
Size: 12' X 3'
Artist: Donald
M. Mattison
Location of building:
102 Pearl Street
Union City, IN
graphic size: [33.7KB]
| [88.3KB]
Title: Building the Industrial Foundation of Batesville
Location of building:
3 West George Street
Batesville, IN
Title: Indiana
Farm - Sunday Afternoon
Size: 9'6"
X 4'
Artist: Alan Tompkins
Location of building:
202 East Third Street
North Manchester, IN
graphic size: [28.9KB]
| [53.5KB]
Artist: Raymond L. Morris
Location of building:
37 North Jefferson Street
Knightstown, IN
Title: Pride of
Cambridge City
Size: 9'6"
X 4'6"
Artist: Samuel
F. Hershey
Location of building:
227 West Main Street
Cambridge City, IN
graphic size: [46KB]
| [80.1KB]
Title: The Arrival of the Mail in Culver
Artist: Jessie Hull Mayer
Location of building:
115 West Jefferson Street
Culver, IN
Title: Gas City
in Boom Days
Size: 12'8"
X 3'6"
Artist: William
A. Dolwick
Location of building:
123 North Second Street
Gas City, IN
graphic size: [37.2KB]
| [95.3KB]
Title: Indiana Farming Scene in Late Autumn
Artist: Jessie Hull Mayer
Location of building:
206 East Sixth Street
Jasper, IN
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