Chocolate Easter Bunny at Riley Hospital

That awkward feeling when you accidentally sever the carrot-id artery. -Margaret Miley
Timmy couldn't believe his nightmare was coming true right before his eyes.
Eventually the anthropologists realized that Easter Bunny rituals were a long-term prank at their expense, but the rest of us were surprised how long it took them to catch on.
Good thing there's a nurse on hand because there's a 99.9% chance someone's gonna get hurt. Just hope it's not the nurse.
That awkward feeling when you accidentally sever the carrot-id artery.
"Easter Bunny Defeats Truman"
Before "Is it Cake?" there was "Is it Fake?" in which children were asked to taste test cut up objects to see if it was candy or plastic.
Hey, it's my dentist!
It's official; you're pregnant.
Sharpening the knives with the easter bunnie…Kids, you’re next.
Riley Hospital is revolutionizing 1950s pediatric surgical training. Observing this practice session are young patients Suzie and Billy, who's now better known as "Lefty."
Is it cake?
Who said they wanted an ear?
Chocolate "bunny?" Kid paleontologist correctly IDs it as fossilized something else. Note: only the adults are smiling.
I'm not going to be ignored, Dan!
Future medical students Look on as they witness the dissection of a chocolate bunny.
The children knew something was up when they were allowed to stand on the chairs.
I don't want no pickles, I don't want no honey, I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny.
I don't want to play on a day that is sunny, I just want a plate and fork and a bunny.
The research is conclusive: Everyone eats the ears first.
So, kids, we've learned to gather, now we'll learn to hunt and prepare small mammals to eat. After you've killed your prey, you have to field dress it. Let's practice on this chocolate rabbit.
"Ohh great, just what these kids need: more sugar!!" Doc thought,
"Ohhh boy, I'm not getting outta here on time tonight - thank you, well-meaning donor!!!!!! " Nurse thought.
It was so nice of the nuclear plant down the street to donate a chocolate bunny for the kids!
Trying to follow in the footsteps of "The Godfather's" horse head scene, the student production of "Who Killed Peter Rabbit" goes Hollywood.
Chocolate bunny carver: "Who wants the head?"
Boy: "I'm not sure if we should be eating a genetically modified rabbit... Girl: Looks like Mr. Szalinski's been at it again! Next time you'll see giant versions of us walking around Las Vegas!".
If we keep smiling, maybe they won't notice the ear is missing.
Anyone else find it odd that the kids are not smiling?
Nurse Ratchett and her boyfriend Elmer visit Riley Hospital to celebrate Easter. "Hey kids! Grab a meat cleaver and help Mr Fudd dissect the Easter Bunny!"