School of Medicine students ca. 1960

So, then I said, "You call that a barber shop quartet?" - Mike Delporte
They may look like they're discussing the future of healthcare, but trust me, they're just figuring out who's ordering pizza.
Could you guys squeeze in a little closer? That last spittle missed me by a good three inches.
Med students, Jones and Smith, listen eagerly to details of smoking study before signing stack of informed consent documents.
“Maybe let’s not?” brought an end to the only gathering of IUSM’s Second Opinion Club.
Gentlemen, let me demonstrate the Cadillac of pocket protectors, the latest in our Clearpla line!
Though nearly twenty-one, "Bow Tie Eddie" never ceased to celebrate with his friends what his mathematically minded mother called his special one-eights natal days.
We gotta get Barbie back in the box!
So, then I said, "You call that a barber shop quartet?"
"What do you mean I can't join the necktie club? You let Stu in with a bowtie."
Ooooh, this is awkward. I thought the memo said "bowties" not "more ties."
Why yes, my back up plan is to run an ice cream shop, why do you ask?
After ejecting their colleague from the meeting for being too much of a maverick, four dentists vote to recommend Trident to their patients who chew gum.
Whoa, wait a minute! You found what....where?!
And that's why we need to make genetically engineered gorillas on steroids,
Hubert, what are you talking about?
No no, he's got a point.
Gentlemen, this is evidence we need to prove that coconuts migrate. We can finally disprove that silly theory that they are carried by swallows!
I know, but my kids bought me this bow tie so I have to wear it.
They got an F on the group project
Anyone want to go back in and reexamine what we found in that guy's stomach this morning?
As the only group member with glasses, I can assure you the patient's diagnosis said, "Panting Mutt Syndrome." Not "Ranting Butt Syndrome!"
I think I plucked the wrong tooth out. Should I ask him ?
No need to whisper, we're all about to light up our cigarettes.
Can you imagine there will be rules against sitting this close to each other in the future?
The inaugural Dean's Committee for DEI Policy has some difficulty grasping the concept.
This meeting of the Ancient Order of Egberts will come to order. Egbert, will you call the roll?