Thomas Duszynski and students in School of Public Heath zombie apocalypse class, February 2020. Photo by Liz Kaye

I hunger for knowledge---mmmm brains! - Pamela Putnam
Why did I wear this red shirt? Everyone knows redshirts never return from away missions.
Let me go! There's free leftover pizza in the lounge!
Didn't you hear? The vending machines just got restocked! Ah, uh, wait...SNACK ZOMBIES!!!
"Tenured brain – mmm …"
This isn't a drill, folks! Remember, aim for the head... or at least the student loans!
I must get the antidote before it's too late! Quick--to the coffee machine!
failing this class--I don't think so
Trying to go on spring break without posting our midterm grades on Canvas?'ll never escape us!
Now it's your turn to watch the eclipse with no eye protection glasses so you too can become a eclipse zombie.
Me ready to enjoy spring break when I suddenly get a canvas notification about the midterm paper I forgot about that was due yesterday...
I hunger for knowledge...mmmm brains!
Professooooorrr have you graded our exaaaams????
"The solar eclipse is coming April 8th, I must get my glasses and see it for myself!"
Finals Week approaches. A gang of sleep-deprived students corners Dr. Skieerds. "Can I interest you in an impromptu Office Hour?... Anyone?"
Steady! Steady! These 3D printer statues are really lifelike, but not very stable.
I warned them about using ChatGPT too much!