A Renaissance Revel by The Moving Company dance troupe
"Have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?!" (true credit perpetually to Miss Austen). - Nicole Ramsey
Watch it with the hand, sister!
You should have seen it, it was THIS big.
The show must go on – if my leg falls asleep, you two will have to improvise a different ending.
"There's a spider in my hair, isn't there?!"
"Don't worry, I'll get it!"
Darest not dear handmaiden should thou place thy hand upon my tush, but for is it not supported with royalty upon most noblest knee?
“Trick or Treat” or “Trick and Treat” … that is the question.
Nothing says Renaissance like the noble art of improvising with shower curtains!
Where are we supposed to look again?
I WON!!!!!! When you told me that I would be in a "musical", I did not know that meant playing musical knees.
Man to sitting lady "You are the apple of mine eyes..."
Standing woman to sitting lady "You are the object of my wrath..."
Distracted Boyfriend Meme: Colorized - Renaissance Version.
"Are we still going out for coffee and donuts later"?
"Have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?!" (true credit perpetually to Miss Austen)
Simplicity stopped contracting out their sewing pattern stock photos to us after Bloomington ordered our costume department to use up an entire pallet of shower curtain fabric on the samples.