July 2012


A group at the School of Law

6 men in suits look into the camera holding checks
Winning Entry!

“So...Stevens, what are you going to do with YOUR Brylcreem rebate check??” - Michael Wilkinson


I got a gift certificate, too!  Hey ... we all got gift certificates!

Submitted by clabrook on Sun, 07/01/2012 - 11:00

Having just completed a moot court exposition, this group of professors received McDonald's Gift Certificates.

Submitted by klee2 on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 13:33

HEY!  This doesn't say 'marriage', it says 'civil union'!!  What the heck kinda of joke is THAT??!!

Submitted by orme on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 14:38

4th man from left: "Gee, are there any funds left for the actual victims?"

2nd man from left: "WHO CARES?"

Submitted by jeiszner on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 16:08

The two men in the middle -  " I'm sure glad the rest of them are happy, aren't you!"

Submitted by darlcamp on Tue, 07/03/2012 - 10:26

Photo - tells the outcome    

Law School Director Paul; Today is a good day for these 5 gentlemen, (left to right from Paul)  Robert, Howard, George, James and William, on behalf of school I am honored to offer "Congratulations" to them on passing their Bar Exams on the first test date/time. Thank You and Welcome to the world of Attorneys!    Robert - Always Smile, great test results!, Howard- Don't get my shoes in the picture - I passed!, George- Oh, not a check, Well, it's the thought that counts, James- Again I am sharing with Bill because they forgot to send my test results, and William- Ok, so James, yes you can hold "my" great test results for the picture, but where are yours?

Next day at the water cooler photo was being viewed by other law students that didn't pass the bar exam on first try and the captions - What a bunch of snobs and what is with those two in the middle with glasses?  Best thought from this group - No $ reward! Then spontaneous laughter.

Submitted by cjwatson on Tue, 07/03/2012 - 12:06

Texting before cellphones

Submitted by mtrehan on Wed, 07/11/2012 - 18:34

"Does this make us lawyers?" 

Submitted by shrfleen on Wed, 07/11/2012 - 18:57

As each man reviewed his Christmas gift indicating, "A donation has been made in your name to the Human Fund.", the guy on the left snickered with devious delight.

Submitted by msmoker on Wed, 07/11/2012 - 19:09

Upon further review of the paternity tests, I (Maury) have the answer.  Leon and Mitchell.... You are NOT the fathers!   That means Stephen you ARE the father. 



Submitted by brgraves on Wed, 07/11/2012 - 23:24

I'm going to pretend that the guy on the other side of the room isn't checking me out.

Submitted by mtnewman on Wed, 07/11/2012 - 23:24

So...Stevens, what are you going to do with YOUR Brylcreem rebate check??

Submitted by miawilki on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 07:20

Gee we've been entered into the jelly of the month club!

Submitted by afleehea on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 08:41

PAYCHECK? REALLY?We are worth more than this! I don't think this is funny guys!

Submitted by kberaun on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 09:37

Hee hee hee…. “Look Boss”, said the man on the left; they think these checks are real!  


Submitted by christyl on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 10:38

"LOL! It says they are thinking of listing Purdue first and renaming the campus, 'PUIUI'."

Submitted by rstratto on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 11:45

That's right boys, keep handing those donation checks to the left and next Fall you'll be enjoying our inaugural season of Jaguar Football from the box seats.

Submitted by andjsmit on Mon, 07/16/2012 - 08:30

 " Yes, it's a one year membership in the Jelly of the Month Club, now that's the gift that keeps on giving the whole year."

Submitted by mrongere on Mon, 07/23/2012 - 08:46

In lieu of a cash settlement, dry cleaning coupons still generate a palpable level of "litigation exhilaration" among the junior law faculty.

Submitted by raull on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 10:08

... and if you dial the number at the bottom of the receipt, you'll be asked to complete a short survey ...

Submitted by clabrook on Sun, 07/29/2012 - 19:18