Man on horseback by the interstate 1996
One way to avoid potholes.... -Jim Oppold
Today's quiz: Which one is the south end of a northbound horse?
Wondering how long it would take me to outrun finals on horseback.
Guess MDs won't be making rounds by horseback anymore
Geroge thought, "Maybe taking a horseback ride on I65 isn't such a great idea after all..."
Someday, this will be the scene of a major traffic jam.
Wish I would have asked where Ol' Bessie's blinker switch is located. How in the world am I going to merge?
Back in my town, I was an innovator...
Which way to the Derby?
Making medical house calls used to be so much simpler!
Which way do I go? Which way do I go?
Submitted for your approval. This young doctor thought he had come to tend to patients in a residential area of near west-side Indianapolis. Little did he know he would himself become a patient in . . . . The Twilight Zone!
One way to avoid potholes. . .