July 2019


Rolla Harger (right) explanins Drunk-o-Meter to police officer.

Four men, one in police uniform, around a table talking about a large glass tube connected to small beakers
Winning Entry!

 "Alfred Hitchcock, celebrity spokesperson for the new Drunk-O-Meter, shows Officer Jones and his colleagues his record-setting Drunk-O-Meter reading from the premier party of The Birds." - John Hayes


Alfred Hitchcock, celebrity spokesperson for the new Drunk-O-Meter, shows Officer Jones and his colleagues his record-setting Drunk-O-Meter reading from the premier party of The Birds. 

Submitted by hayesjb on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 09:10

Warden Norton and inmate Andy Dufresne demonstrate a novel device for enhancing revenue for prison funding.  It's as easy as pie!

Submitted by orme on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 10:48

I don't understand - we should be getting more of a reaction from the copper. 

Submitted by mjhinsma on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 13:27

Gentleman, I give you the drunk-o-meter. First, you have them quickly suck down this tube of everclear grain alcohol. Next step is to inform them they are intoxicated. Takes all the guess work out of it!

Submitted by andjsmit on Mon, 07/08/2019 - 11:18

"That's right, officer! Just scream into the tube, and we'll be able to power the building for another five minutes."

Submitted by ashbhall on Thu, 07/11/2019 - 09:31

"A Drunk-o-Meter? That's fantastic, but I thought you boys were working on a device to prevent Russian meddling in future U.S. presidential elections!  Come to think of it, I guess we'll never need to worry about something like THAT!"

Submitted by jdynlach on Thu, 07/11/2019 - 16:04