Nursing School film crew 1968
“They’re actually going to call it OOEE-POOEE?!” - Matt Hinsman
What?? I could have had a V8 instead of a cigarette?? Why didn't you tell me, Sam??
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking.
"If you play it backwards, it really DOES say 'Paul is dead'...."
They're actually going to call it OOEE-POOEE?!
Hahaha, hey man, this is some primo stuff, amiright?...I got it from that dude who was in the study back in July 2017!
One man's reaction after an insensitive co-worker blurts out spoilers to "Avengers: Endgame."
I SAID you couldn't avoid laughing if i tickled you with this screwdriver!
Did you rewind the tape the other day?
"Awww, man.....I can't unsee that!!!!!"
Bro, did you really just give your honest opinion about Fox News live on air... you better deactivate your Twitter, fast.
Don't worry about it, man! It won't be long before this stuff is all obsolete and forgotten. Although, that DID just go out over cable to the entire county.
Us2Geeks productions - the early years.