Women in coats 1973

No, you misunderstood! This clearly asks, "where can you park at work?" not "wear your parka to work!"...awkward... - Belinda Gillett
The new Clerk Typist at the IUPUA Dental School seems to enjoy her new job. Her supervisor, however, is trying to explain that coffee must be brewed immediately upon arrival. It's very cold at Indiana University Purdue University Anchorage!
These staff are incredibly comfortable in the marvel of renewable clothing, IUPUI's heather coats.
"I wonder which mischievous grad student switched our thermostat’s temperature scale from Fahrenheit to Kelvin?"
The on-going winter dress code in Taylor Hall, a tradition that lives on and on.
The staff is required to wear winter clothing in summer due to the placement of the air conditioning vents right above their desks. But it is still service with a smile at IUPUI!
The true composer of "The Mighty Quinn" is finally revealed!
"In this time of pandemic, campus health professionals recommend that people keep at least six feet apart." There, dear, did you spell "pandemic" correctly?
No, you misunderstood! This clearly asks, "where can you park at work?" not "wear your parka to work!"...awkward...
Wait, this states "polar coordinates" not "polar conditions."