Cop and two students in Cavanaugh Hall 1973

"Due to the severity of the case, headquarters called in precinct stare down champion Officer Martin" - Jim Oppold
Due to the severity of the case, headquarters called in precinct stare down champion Officer Martin.
No son, it is not the uniform that commands respect, it is the full grown mustache. Just ask your lip hair want-a-be friend over here.
Grammar police patrol the School of Liberal Arts during the Weeks of Welcome tradition at IUPUI.
"No way, dude!"
Bill & Ted realize they've landed in the WRONG place!
Look, boys, just because we are taking a class together does NOT make us equals. The next time one of you shoots a spit-ball at me, the Badge takes over!
Don't look at me! I couldn't find a place to park either!
Just before meeting outside at high noon to have their gunfight, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly practice their stares during a chance stairwell encounter after using the restroom. Not trusting one another, they leave their right hands free... just in case!
A mask, protection, safe guard?