June 2021


Singing deans at Bepko retirement celebration April 23, 2003 Photo by John R. Gentry, Jr.

Seven people in fake glasses, noses and mustaches singing
Winning Entry!

It’s amazing how all the Johnsons resembled their mother. - Jim Oppold


Most years faculty stand proud during commencement, other years they prefer not to be associated with the graduating class.

Submitted by andjsmit on Tue, 06/01/2021 - 09:03

It's amazing how all the Johnsons resembled their mother.

Submitted by joppold on Tue, 06/01/2021 - 09:12

Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!

Submitted by orme on Wed, 06/02/2021 - 11:26

Peer Revue

Submitted by mjhinsma on Thu, 06/03/2021 - 03:50

Entertainment for tonight's retirement party is provided by "The Singing Grouchos" singing their new viral hit, "Bepko, You Gotta Go"

Submitted by hayesjb on Mon, 06/07/2021 - 07:06