“Sergeant Preston of the Yukon Visit to Riley Hospital, 1959”
Television actor Richard Simmons visited Riley Hospital in May, 1959.

“Psst. Fake a yawn Gilbert or he’ll never leave.” - Karen Proctor
Sure, the Mounties "always get their man." Sometimes, however, they have to start really early to do so.
Sorry Sir, but visiting hours are over. The moose out front should have told you.
It is becoming more and more apparent that the Bloomington hospital needs to aggressively combat its growing mounty bug problem.
Boys, speeding is a serious offense. But I'm a nice guy, so I'm letting you off with a warning.
Psst. Fake a yawn Gilbert or he'll never leave.
See, I told you. Dudley Do-Right is a real person.
Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?
Golly, Mr. Mountie. What happened next?
Don't make me get out of this bed......
Let's see now. That is one order of meatloaf with mash potatoes, one chocolate shake.....
OK Timmy and Mikey, I am here to free you from these cribs so you can sleep on big boy beds!
I told you he was real.
Tragically, doctors did not believe they could safely remove the mounty from Billy's head.
"Yeah, yeah, the boogie man'll get ya if ya don't watch out...I dunno who's makin' me more paranoid, you or Riley!"
"So, you two feel fine right? I'll just go ahead and mark you down as visited. Now smile for the camera!"
"No, seriously sir, can I have my notebook back? I really don't need your autograph."
"Yes Tommy I'm from the Quality Assurance Police...and you say your nurse forgot to bring you your chocolate pudding cup?"
Yes, that is a cute nurse.
ok boys, heres something to remember me by.
Ummmm... Sergeant Preston, the Police are outside for you.
I wanna sleep please ...
"Hey Beav, What is this dude doing in our room?"
"I dunno Wally, but i really dig the mustache!"
"Sir, can I grow a mustache like that?"
"Yes, young son, I will show you how." "Follow the steps in my book, and you will have a mustache just like mine!"
"Wow, golly, jeepers, all the girls will dig me now!"
SIMMER DOWN !!! At the time I shot both you boys I could not see you and I didm't know the gun was loaded -- besides which , as a matter of fact ,I was drunker than I am now.No matter,those were only flesh wounds , as you are very lucky I missed your legs and gut shots are the worst, nevermind about fathering future children.Now let's break open your piggy-banks and I will buy us a bottle. Say you with the canera ,is that a flask I see there? Oh, I am feeling woozy ,I gotta sit . I need a drink . . .
Listen closely boys and pay attention to my little book of fashion.... Give it about 50 years or so, these boots will be most fashionable!
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No, kids. King couldn't be here today. Dogs aren't allowed in the hospital.