“Why ‘water charades’ didn’t become a thing.” -Michael A. Wilkinson
It's fun to stay at the Y .....
Wait! I finally found that tunnel connecting Cavanaugh Hall to Taylor Hall.
Handstand, my foot...it's Nessie!
HEY LADY! NO DIVING ALLOWED...uh oh, too late!
I know it's down here somewhere.
Can you grab my towel? It's right over there....
"Synchronized" Swimming is a lot easier when you're doing it alone!
"Jamie, Synchronized Swimming 101 is in the other pool!!!"
"I lost my head over you!"
"Tonight it's bottoms up - up"
Friday night entertainment for the masses (including children) took place poolside with a backdrop of decorative curtains.
Why "water charades" didn't become a thing.
Come on, everybody: Y-M-C-A! OK, how about just "Y"!!!
A less famouos attempt to end segregation.
when leg day finally pays off
I hope this looks okay.
This is a lot easier now than it was in yoga class.
Is that a water polo player with his head photo-shopped out?
Putting your best foot forward.
Poor Mary, somebody forgot to label the "shallow end" with the recent pool renovations.
Today on Sharkweek...
I know my contact's down here somewhere!
Mmmmm... a pool full of jello! Nom nom nom!
And this is how you be a water ballerina
There's extra credit at the bottom
How astronauts learn to dance in space.
Last week on the X-Files
This yoga pose makes it really difficult to slow, deep breathe.
Does this suit make my bottom look big?
Natatorium Synchronized Swimmers doing aerial cha-chas
Coaches are like... "We're still having practice."
"One could only dream of being upside down, under water, with a crowd staring at my crotch" said no spectator EVER
Trying To Stay Afloat During Final Exams Got Me Like. . .
Ouch! This is gonna leave a mark.
At that moment, as her body sank into the gelatinized pool water, Betsy realized it may have been a mistake to pull a prank on a chemistry student.
I wonder if Kim Kardashian would look this good doing this.
As the last of the refridgerator box deteriorated, Jessica just knew that her underwater breakdance routine was before its time.
"Oh...this is why that sign said, 'No diving!'"
Getting a leg up on the competition...
When you're hungry and bae says there's food at the bottom of the pool.
My contact is down here somewhere!
Then where exactly IS the deep end??!