Hsiang-Ya Medical College;Hunan Yale Medical College; Hunan-Yale College of Medicine

Province: Hunan
Alternate Names: 湘雅醫學院;湘雅醫學專門學校(1913-1931);私立湘雅醫學院(1931-1940)國立湘雅醫學院(1940 - 1953)湖南醫學院(1953 - 1987)湖南醫科大學(1987-2000)中南大學湘雅醫學院(2000)
City(preferred name): Changsha
Sponsoring Organizations: Hunan Provicial Government and the Yale Mission
Year: 1914

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Medical Faculty: full time, 10; part time, 5*
Laboratory: Seven, each capable of holding 20 persons*
Library: 2675 volumes*
Medium of Instruction: Chinese and English*
Students: 34*
Graduate Students: 51*
Budget: $195,690 from Hunan Provincial Government and the Yale Mission*

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