Peiping Union Medical College

Province: Beijing Shi (municipality)
Alternate Names: 北平協和醫學院(1937) 中國協和醫學院(1949-1957)中國協和醫科大學(1959-2007)北京協和醫學院-清華大學醫學部(2007)
City(preferred name): Beijing
City: Peking / Peiping
Sponsoring Organizations: The Rockefeller Foundation
Year: 1915

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Medical Faculty: 70 full time*
Laboratory: 10135 sq. ft. capacity of 30 persons*
Library: occupies two oors of the main buildings. 2300 volumes of journals and 47904 books*
Medium of Instruction: English*
General of Special Equipment: Water, from 5 deep wells on college land; electricy from college power house; gas, from the college plant, compressed air, from the college power house. College has electro-cardio-graph and radium emanation plant with one-half gram radium*
Students: 98*
Graduate Students: 78*
Budget: $1387966 sliver and $456164 gold. Income, hospital fees, tuition etc. $284745*

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