IU Indianapolis University Archives Collection Policy

The Special Collections and University Archives is responsible for building and maintaining a variety of collections. Each collection has its own collection development policies. Before making a donation or inquiring about a collection, see its specific policy below.

University Archives Collection Development Policy

We collect records of administrative, legal, and historical value created by or pertaining to IU Idianapolis. These records come from a broad range of university units, schools, and departments, as well as from faculty, staff, and student organizations

German-American Collection Development Policy

Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives accepted the records of the Athenaeum Turners in 1978.  The University’s connection to the Turners through the School of Physical Education, which had previously been the Turners’ Normal College of the American Gymnastics Union, made the Turners records a good fit.  The collection expanded to include several other Turner-related collections in subsequent years. 

Philanthropic Studies Archives Collection Policy 

The IU Indianapolis Philanthropic Studies Archives collects paper or digital documents, datasets, photographs, audiovisual materials, scrapbooks, and other formats that provide information about the history and development of philanthropy.

Joseph and Matthew Payton Philanthropic Studies Library:  Collection Development Policy

The primary mission of the Joseph and Matthew Payton Philanthropic Studies Library is to support the educational and research programs relating to philanthropic studies and nonprofit management at IU Indianapolis. The secondary mission is to support the wider scholarship of philanthropy in other educational and research programs in the US and internationally, including the Fund Raising School. The tertiary mission is to support the functional research needs of the non-profit community in Indianapolis and Central Indiana.