Past Months

September 2014 Man with long hair and goatee is seated next to a cop in sunglasses, looking at a book together

Golly gee, I wish people would stop reading over my shoul…..Good Lord!  It’s Brad Pitt with a goatee! -Joseph Dynlacht

August 2014 Seven people standing in the ruins of a building. Theman in the foreground has his arm extended upwards, showcasing the damage

Yes, Maria, there are reasons why we have safety guidelines in the painting studios. - Rob Bullock

July 2014 A man in hospital attire holds a baby lynx with a corpulant man in a suit looks at it

Combining the DNA of a common housecat and Mr. Spock turned out to be easier than we expected. - James Patrick Marshall

June 2014 Man laying in a hospital bed with an arm cast looking up at the ceiling while a nurse watches him

Uh oh, she's moving the newspaper...think unsexy thoughts...unsexy, unsexy, unsexy... - Michael Smoker

May 2014 A woman standing on a desk throwing books at another woman holding a large box open

Agnes, be a doll and put this "Statuary of the Male Physique" in my purse, okay? - Robert Aull

April 2014 Man climbing out of a fountain while two people on a bench laugh

Maybe he doesn’t know there is a pool in the union building. - Steven Keller

March 2014 Two men and three woman in business attire holding display boxes of cooking utensils

The judges ladled out praise to all four contestants; nevertheless, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife--would the three ladies have to fork over first place to Crewcut Carl and his minimalist WYSIWYG design? - Robert Aull

February 2014 Two woman posing with large balloons

One thing is for certain: CrossFit looked a lot happier back in 1950. - Tyler Gonigam

January 2014 Young man who is blindfolded, resting his hand on another man's shoulder

See me, feel me, touch me, heal me… - Steven Keller

December 2013 A man and woman in shakespearian costumes reclining and laughing

Hahaha I see you were in your sister’s closet again! - Kassidy Loehmer

November 2013 A group of men watching another man that is barely visible. One of the men is looking into the camera instead

That awkward moment when everyone else in the room finds something interesting to look at and you don't. - Allison Mills

October 2013 Four men stand around a plaque one of the men are holding. One of the men is looking directly into the camera

“Crap, I forgot my briefs again.” -  Gregory Hardin