Past Months

September 2011 A man and woman, both college adminisrators, seated at a table. The man is looking at what the woman is eating

"How's your dinner, Pat? You know this is our last good meal before Chartwells takes over." - Robert E. Lawson

August 2011 Black and white photograph. A multi-storied college campus building extends up off the frame in the background. The building has many windows. There is the side shot of a large bulldozer in the middle of the picture. An elderly white man wearing a suit is sitting on the bulldozer in the driver's seat facing the photographer. A large white man in a suit stands to the right side of the bulldozer looking at the other man. His arm stretches out and rests on the bulldozer.

"Put your back into it, Hermie--president or not, you can't push start a dozer with one hand." - Robert Aull

July 2011 Black and white photograph. The room is a cafeteria seating area consistent with the 1970s or 1980s. There is a harsh glare in the background from the large window. A water cooler appears on a wall. A white person in a gorilla mask sits in the middle of the frame. There is a bucket hat on the person's head. The tee shirt worn says "IUPUI 2nd Annual Banana Split Eating Contest". The person in the mask has an arm around a laughing young white woman sitting very close. She has short dark hair and is wearing a

Clearly Dian Fossey’s first date was a precursor of things to come. - Rob Bullock

June 2011 Black and white photograph. A medical school classroom from the early 20th century. Six young white men with serious expressions  stand in front of a chalkboard with notes drawn on it. One of the men has a handle bar mustache. They are surrounding a lab table with cadaver parts laid out on top. The men are wearing clothing consistent with the era, and they are wearing lab coats over the top. The man on the right is holding up a severed leg.

“Donner, party of 6.” - Melanie Curfman

May 2011 Black and white photograph. The year is 1975. The setting is a photography studio. Cameras and equipment consistent with that era decorate the room. A white man in a white lab coat is in the foreground on the left side of the frame. There is a ring on the pinky finger of his right hand. His face has an intense look, and his eyes are glaring at a large camera on a cart which he grips with his right hand.

"Trust me, I’m a doctor.  Radiation is good for you!" - Robert Bullock

April 2011 Black and white photograph. The year is 1953. The setting is outdoors on a sidewalk with a manicured lawn in the background. There are trees in the distance and cars from that era parked to the side. A white boy in a wheel chair appears in the foreground. His back is to the photographer, and he holds a camera to his eye. Two men dressed as the Lone Ranger and Tonto are standing in front of the boy. The Lone Ranger is looking skyward above the boy's head. Tonto is staring at the boy's camera.

“This IS a big deal Tonto.  Sammy Terry and Wilbur Snyder were here yesterday.” - Jeff Vessely

March 2011 Black and white photograph. The setting appears to be a chemical laboratory from the 1940s or 1950s. There are flasks, jars, vials, and machinery in the room consistent with a lab from that era. A white man wearing glasses, rolled up sleeves, a tie, and gray pants is staring at the photographer. His hair rises oddly on the right side. He has a straw in his mouth which is connected to a lab bottle with a long circular tube dangling towards the floor.

“I didn’t inhale.” - Meagan Lacy

February 2011 Black and white photograph. The year is 1971. A white van parked in front of a  multi-story campus building has a caption which reads Screw Mobile on its side. Many windows adorn the three stories viewable on the building. A large drainpipe snakes down the side of the building. There are leafless tree limbs showing on the right side of the picture. Lining up behind the van are Six smiling white men dressed in long sleeve shirts with ties.

“Helping nerds become men since 1971.” - Eric Applegate

January 2011 Black and white photograph. A smiling white man with mustache in a Canadian Yukon uniform holds an open book while sitting on a hospital bed next to a white boy lying down. They are both looking at the camera. The man is smiling and the boy has a serious look on his face. A second white boy in another bed leans over in interest.   The head of the beds are against a wall on opposite sides of a window with closed blinds.

“Psst.  Fake a yawn Gilbert or he’ll never leave.” - Karen Proctor