Past Months

September 2021 Four men in white lab coats having a lively conversation

I’m telling you! One day, we will all wear masks, even OUT of the hospital! - Regina Cohen

August 2021 An older man and woman wearing red aprons scoop ice cream for a smiling student

Be the Chancellor, they said. It will be fun, they said. - Tim Kleyn

July 2021 two older men in suits talking over a fruit spread

I hope they have the cicada poppers again next year! - Matt Hinsman

June 2021 Seven people in fake glasses, noses and mustaches singing

It’s amazing how all the Johnsons resembled their mother. - Jim Oppold

May 2021 Older man with a microphone on a baseball field points to the IUPUI Jaguar mascot

"This, ladies and gentlemen, is what a fully vaccinated, ready-to-return-to-in-person-learning, IUPUI Jaguar looks like!" - John Hayes

April 2021 Two older women and an older man dance in a dark room. The man is looking into the camera

Is this my time to drop it like its hot? - Jayson Deese

March 2021 Three young women standing in a cheer pose between columns. They are wearing hard hats

 "If cheerleaders socially distance and no one can hear their routine, does it make any pep?" - Matt Hinsman

February 2021 An old man in a suit and an old woman in a bright blue dress talk to a student in a tie

Whoopie cushion works every time! - Jim Oppold

January 2021 Two young boys in red and white striped shirts laughing with college students

"On the advice of counsel, the ‘Fun with Super Glue’ exhibit was shut down permanently." - Jim Oppold 

December 2020 Eight students hold a banner that says 'IUPUI,' in front of a sign that reads, 'Arctic Research and Training Center'

The pronounciation was further confused by the Canadian team's insistance on adding an "A" to the end of "IUPUI." - Mike Paxton

November 2020 A police officer talks to two male students in front of a stair case

"Due to the severity of the case, headquarters called in precinct stare down champion Officer Martin" - Jim Oppold

October 2020 Three skeletons posed around a student laying on a desk asleep. A caption is scratched into the photo: A Student's Dream

"This is gonna be hysterical! Okay, Slim, you put the makeup on his face. I’ll put his hand in a bowl of warm water! Twiggy, you put the shaving cream in his hand and tickle his nose with a feather!! Classic!" - John Hayes