Past Months

September 2023 A man and woman are sititng at a desk. The woman is looking at a piece of paper while the man looks at her intently. He has a cigarette in his hand

I think he just realized that my research paper says that smoking is bad for you. Looks like I’m taking this class again. - Kyla Lathrop

August 2023 An older man in a suit and tie uses a rowing machine next to a younger man in shorts and an IUPUI tanktop

I should have had the ice cream instead! - Robin Bousum

July 2023 Three young women, one white and two black, sit on a bench. Behind them is a large tree and a parking lot

We're three little Metros, waiting for a bus
The bus is a Metro, just like us.
One day we'll catch it and we'll go far
We may even find ourselves a Jag-u-ar!
-Bill Orme

June 2023 Two people in shining tops and dark bottoms dancing

REALLY! You wouldn’t believe what I can hide in this hairdo! - Jane Alexander

May 2023 A young woman kisses the cheek of a young man. Both are wearing graduation outfits

Kiss this campus goodbye! - Tia Broz

April 2023 Two older men look at an open folder

George Weber was somewhat dumbfounded when asked to review the blueprints for Hans Krebs' new restaurant, "The Krusty Krebs". - Joseph Dynlacht

March 2023 Man and a white horse looking at one another. The man is wearing a brown hat and holding the reins

Seriously, you wouldn’t believe how many folks try to put the cart before the horse - Whitney Thompson

February 2023 Two older man, one in a suit with slicked back hair, the other in a trilby and trenchcoat talk

I can promise you that all revenue generated by the students using this building will stay on the IUPUI campus. - Monica Thompson-Deal

January 2023 Man in a cardigan and glasses shaking hands with a soldier while they hold a cylinder between them. Other soldiers are lined up beside them

Congratulations on finishing at the top of your class, cadet. Your Toblerone, as promised. - Kagan Mellencamp

December 2022 Man dressed as Santa Clause talking to small child. Four other people observe

I am not allowed to talk to strangers, and you are very strange. - Jerene Rodriquez

November 2022 Two men looking down at the long skirts that they have on

You toad-ally nailed it! Just don't "Rip it!" - Jill Lyon

October 2022 Zoo keeper holds up the tail end of a skunk above two children with disgusted looks on their faces

Oh no, that won’t work for our mascot! Let’s just keep The Metros. - John Schild