Past Months

September 2022 Four young women huddled around a table. Above them is a poster that read Elect Al Mitchler Student Senate Vote Feb 9-13 Bldgs 8AM-8PM ACSM

Wait! Is that a hanging chad I see??? - Jane Alexander

August 2022 Two women using ladles to get a drink out of large bowls. One is smiling, the other has an expression of shock

OK, I know what this looks like, but this is NOT for me! It's for the Dean! - Joseph Dynlacht

July 2022 Older man in a tie seated while a nurse draws his blood

Don’t worry, extreme pants-hiking is a common condition in men of your age. - Richard Schulte

June 2022 A young man in a lab coat appears to be blowing on a metal utensil. Two other men watch

"Second Cousin of Flubber" lacked a certain Fred MacMurray-ness. - Richard Schulte

May 2022 Students looking dejected and bored sitting at folding tables

Students resentfully await their turn to wear the Thinking Cap to take the quiz... - Dorothy Field

April 2022 Man in a suit and bowtie and a woman in a nurse uniform carve a large chocolate bunny while being flanked by children

That awkward feeling when you accidentally sever the carrot-id artery. -Margaret Miley

March 2022 Two young woman in red dancing emphatically surrounded by other people

It was a glorious night until Miss IUPUI threw her back out. - Eric Snajdr

February 2022 Ten young men in shiny jackets posing for a photo with a basketball in front of them

When we said we wanted to outshine the other team, we didn't mean literally. - Adina Friedman

January 2022 Two men and a woman look intently at a model of a drum. The drum has the words Worlds Largest Drum Purdue on it

So do you think we will be able to sneak this one into the Notre Dame Stadium? - Ashley Hookway

December 2021 Two women staring at one another. One is holding a sign that says, 'Peg didn't know what conflicts of law were until she married Chuck"

After a semester of awkward moments, Jenn decided to bring her own conversation starter to the department's end-of-year mixer. - Tia Swain

November 2021 Two older men sitting at a court room table. One is holding up a dollar bill

Members of the jury, who among us has never had their dollar bill callously rejected by a ... vending machine! - Matt Hinsman

October 2021 Older man with a mustache stands smiling next to another man dressed as a vampire

Gee- I feel a little underdressed. - Meghan Kane