Past Months

February 2020 Tall man in a suit standing on the center line of a basketball court with a woman presenting him with a long-sleeve IUPUI sweater

“Thank you for your generous and thoughtful donation, Mayor Hudnut! You say you made it yourself?” - Belinda Gillett

January 2020 Two woman in shiny silver costumes hold cardboard boxes with space for their arms, and heads around their bodies, to resemble a calculator. The boxes are painted black and with geometric shapes on them.

Prior to being upstaged by the flamboyant Teletubbies, the less jovial and slightly creepier TeeVee Jeebies ruled the toddler 2 to 4 demographic. - Andy Smith

December 2019 Young people dancing in a dark room

Gee wiz, Liz, if you do the twist any harder that barrette’s going to watusi your eyeball. - Leigh Anne Hedger

November 2019 Football teams of very young boys face eachother on the field, while adult man stand behind them pressing their shoulders

"Mom said we can have the SLEEPOVER!" - Jenee Johnson

October 2019 Two older men in lab coats hold a ball joint attached to a fake bone to the camera

Yes, I know science is supposed to be serious, but this is the funny bone! - Cynthia Booth

September 2019 Two women trying to help a third woman out of a large wooden box.

Amazon Prime introduces it's new travel service. Members may choose overnight or 2-day delivery. - Joseph Dynlacht

August 2019 Young woman in a business skirt seated on a filing cabinet

It's quarter to three. No one in the place except you and me, so set 'em up Joe. I got a little story I think you oughtta know. - Bill Orme

July 2019 Four men, one in police uniform, around a table talking about a large glass tube connected to small beakers

 "Alfred Hitchcock, celebrity spokesperson for the new Drunk-O-Meter, shows Officer Jones and his colleagues his record-setting Drunk-O-Meter reading from the premier party of The Birds." - John Hayes

June 2019 A young person seated in front of a machine with headphones on, laughs into the camera, while another student with a cigarette in his mouth seated behind him also laughs

 “They’re actually going to call it OOEE-POOEE?!” - Matt Hinsman

May 2019 Seven young people and an older man, all in white work clothes, stand around a tall machine

 AND, it can fix that annoying Check Engine light too! - John Hayes

April 2019 Two police officers on horses in front of the University Library building. A goose is visible on the roof

"“Mounted officers suspect fowl play in search for elusive Canadian criminal." - Jacob Lovrinic

March 2019 A group of students gathered around a fire, roasting marshmallows

"Someone will be looking for that curtain rod later Lucy…and how many hotdogs does this make for you?" - Jill Lyon