Past Months
February 2020 | “Thank you for your generous and thoughtful donation, Mayor Hudnut! You say you made it yourself?” - Belinda Gillett |
January 2020 | Prior to being upstaged by the flamboyant Teletubbies, the less jovial and slightly creepier TeeVee Jeebies ruled the toddler 2 to 4 demographic. - Andy Smith |
December 2019 | Gee wiz, Liz, if you do the twist any harder that barrette’s going to watusi your eyeball. - Leigh Anne Hedger |
November 2019 | "Mom said we can have the SLEEPOVER!" - Jenee Johnson |
October 2019 | Yes, I know science is supposed to be serious, but this is the funny bone! - Cynthia Booth |
September 2019 | Amazon Prime introduces it's new travel service. Members may choose overnight or 2-day delivery. - Joseph Dynlacht |
August 2019 | It's quarter to three. No one in the place except you and me, so set 'em up Joe. I got a little story I think you oughtta know. - Bill Orme |
July 2019 | "Alfred Hitchcock, celebrity spokesperson for the new Drunk-O-Meter, shows Officer Jones and his colleagues his record-setting Drunk-O-Meter reading from the premier party of The Birds." - John Hayes |
June 2019 | “They’re actually going to call it OOEE-POOEE?!” - Matt Hinsman |
May 2019 | AND, it can fix that annoying Check Engine light too! - John Hayes |
April 2019 | "“Mounted officers suspect fowl play in search for elusive Canadian criminal." - Jacob Lovrinic |
March 2019 | "Someone will be looking for that curtain rod later Lucy…and how many hotdogs does this make for you?" - Jill Lyon |