Many of you may already be using a reference manager, such as Zotero, to save citations of your publications. There are a variety of reasons for doing this, but this post will discuss how you can use Zotero to easily generate a BibTeX file of your publications for import into Activity Insight.
Zotero is an open-source program and is freely available for download. If you have not used Zotero, then you may want to visit University Library’s Zotero Guide. This is not the only way to get BibTeX files into Activity Insight, there are a variety of other ways documented on the Digital Measures site.
In Zotero, select the publications you wish to export, right-click, and choose Export Items...:
Set the export format to BibTeX and uncheck the translator options:
Save the .bib file to a location on your computer.
Log in to and open Digital Measures – Activity Insight. In the Research/Creative Activity section, select Publications/Scholarship of Discovery:
Click on the Import Items button at the top of the screen:
Select Option A: Import a file exported from another system and choose the .bib file you exported from Zotero:
After selecting the file, click Continue at the top of the screen. In the next step, you are asked to match co-authors from your publications to people in IU’s system:
In the final step, review your publications to make sure the metadata is correct:
If you notice any errors in the metadata, you will have to fix them in Zotero and export a new BibTeX file to upload. When you are satisfied, click Finish Import at the top of the screen.
If you are using a reference manager to keep track of citations to things you have written, this is a quick and easy way to batch import them into the new annual review system. If you have any questions about how to do this, feel free to come visit us in the Center for Digital Scholarship or send us an email!