Research Data Management

About Our Services

Data Services at University Library helps researchers manage, publish, and archive their research data. We collaborate with a wide range of research support groups across the campus and IU, including SecureMyResearch. For help finding data on a specific topic, contact your subject liaison or refer to our Finding Data & Statistics guide.

What is Research Data Management?

Research data management is the set of processes and project management strategies employed throughout a research project, to ensure that both the research process and resulting data have high integrity. Key RDM activities include organizing, describing, archiving, and sharing the data. 

Library Support for DMS

We offer one-on-one consultations, workshops, tutorials, and a variety of resources.


We can help you at all stages of your research project, with special focus on:

  • Data management & sharing plan review
  • Choosing a data repository
  • Describing data for publication or deposit in a data repository
  • Archiving & preservation data for long-term access

Contact us at to schedule a consultation.


Our program offers workshops and tutorials. A core list of topics is below.

  • Developing an NIH DMS Plan: What you need to know (see Events page)
  • How to write a data management plan (upon request)
  • Strategies for organizing project files (upon request)
  • Strategies for record-keeping and documentation (upon request)
  • How to choose a data repository (upon request)
  • How to prepare data for publication and sharing (upon request)

Contact us at to request a training.
