OA Journals at IU Indianapolis

The Service

Open Journal System

The Center for Digital Scholarship assists IU Indianapolis faculty, staff, students, and affiliated groups in publishing open access scholarly journals. We work with partners launching new journals, or existing journals transitioning from a subscription model to an open access model. See a complete list of our journals.

As part of this service, the Center for Digital Scholarship:

  • Sets up a journal site on our instance of Open Journal Systems (OJS) and provides basic configuration
  • Guides the journal through implementation, providing advice on formatting, organization, defining workflow, and policy creation
  • Provides training for editorial staff on how to use OJS
  • Registers an e-ISSN on behalf of the journal
  • Registers article-level Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) with CrossRef
  • Applies for indexing in the Directory of Open Access Journals (provided the journal meets basic criteria for inclusion)
  • Provides basic technical support

Open Access

To participate in our service, we require that journals make their work openly available. While we allow for delayed open access, in the form of a maximum 2-year embargo, we strongly encourage journals to make their work open access immediately upon publication. Furthermore, we encourage our journals to make their work reusable by licensing it with a Creative Commons license, a best practice in open access scholarly publishing.

Making research openly available and reusable benefits authors in the form of increased citations and reduces barriers to access, contributing to a more equitable system of scholarly communication for all.

The Platform

Open Access Journals at IU Indianapolis is delivered on the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. This open-source software is developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project. OJS is a robust journal management and publishing system and is used by scholarly journals around the world. It assists with every stage of the refereed publishing process and facilitates efforts to improve both the scholarly and public quality of research.

Is Open Access Journals at IU Indianapolis right for my journal?

We work with a variety of serial publications, from research journals to conference proceedings, and we are equally adept at helping launch new journals or facilitating the transition from subscription-based to open access publications. Contact us for further information.