
University Library Center for Digital Scholarship facilitates open access to knowledge created by researchers, students, and affiliated partners. The Center advocates for open and equitable practices in creating, disseminating, and evaluating scholarship. Our aim is to remove barriers to global participation in a knowledge commons and build a more diverse, equitable, and sustainable system of scholarly communication. We work toward these goals by:

  • Openly disseminating unique scholarship, data, and artifacts created by faculty, students, staff and affiliated partners;
  • Advocating for the rights of authors, fair use, and open access to knowledge and publications;
  • Implementing and promoting ethical and sustainable practices for creation, description, preservation, sharing, and reuse of all scholarship, including data and other artifacts;
  • Strategically adopting and advocating for investment in open research and community-controlled infrastructure;
  • Advocating for the responsible use of research metrics in the evaluation of scholars and their scholarly products;
  • Participating in and contributing to projects that offer a community-driven solution to creating and sharing knowledge openly.

The Center for Digital Scholarship supports University Library’s mission to inform, connect, and transform through its work with a particular focus on the Library’s stated values of:

  • Advancement of knowledge
  • Diversity
  • Equitable access

By shaping our work around the Library’s Open Values Statement, the Center also supports the campus's core values and commitment to community engagement by enhancing the availability of scholarly information not only for the residents of Indiana but for the world.