About IU Indianapolis DataWorks
IU Indianapolis DataWorks is a digital repository for data, a place for IU Indianapolis researchers to share data openly and publicly. It is a service offered by the University Library Center for Digital Scholarship to make the products of IU Indianapolis scholarship - journal articles, books, theses, and data – freely available to the world.
Why deposit in DataWorks?
Increase the visibility and impact of your research data – easier discovery for searchers, more exposure for you, allows you to incorporate your research data into your digital scholarly identity, enable data citation
We keep your data safe for the long term – long-term preservation, assign a digital object identifier (DOI) to provide persistent access.
Comply with journal and funder requirements.
Improve the transparency and integrity of the scholarly record.
DataWorks allows you to share your data and supporting documentation and metadata in a much more flexible, durable, and impactful way than through a journal “supplemental materials” deposit.
- Share your data with the world with a digital object identifier (DOI)
- Increase your reach and impact through data citation
- Protect your work's future through long-term archiving and preservation
- Prepare and curate your data (see Curation Services)
- Develop appropriate standardized metadata
- Make your data FAIR
Get Started
- Review our
- Gather the following information
- The title of the data set
- A brief description of the data set (200-500 words)
- A draft readme.txt
- A list of keywords (5-15 words or phrases)
- Links to access the data files for deposit.
- Email the information above, along with any questions, to dataserv@iu.edu.
- Unless we are away from the office, receipt of your message and materials will be confirmed within 2 business days and curatorial review will begin.
Please contact us with specific inquiries: dataserv@iu.edu
If DataWorks is not a good fit
In many cases, there may be better options for sharing your research data. A community-based or specialized repository that serves the data you want to share is always the preferred option. However, such repositories do not always exist. The diagram below describes a flowchart for helping you narrow the possible options.
Recommended Generalist Data Repositories
There are many generalist data repositories available. Our recommended list is below, along with key information to help you choose the repository best suited for the data.
PDF and accessible text versions of the chart below are available in ScholarWorks.