Past Months

September 2024
August 2024

Shouldn’t the drive-thru lane be closer to the building? - Matt Hinsman

July 2024

I didn’t realize the Hokey Pokey could be this complicated. - Ian Carson

June 2024

Wait until you see … the Dynamic Demonstrator III. - Jill Dempsey

May 2024

"I" is for "Inseparable" as nothing will pull us apart. "U" is for "United" as we stand together always. "P" is for "Partners" though our bond goes much deeper still. "U" is for "Undissolvable" as our bond will always be. "I" is for "Infinity" as our time together will have no end. "I-U-P-U-I" may we stand true to you! - Andy Smith

April 2024

I don’t care what ‘Bepkoe’ says, I know how to spell ‘potatoe'. - Darrin Roland

March 2024

I hunger for knowledge---mmmm brains! - Pamela Putnam

February 2024

Confused about the choreography, the men interrupt the ladies’ rendition of ‘I’m a little teapot'. - Katie Earle

January 2024 Four men (the leftmost is black, while the others are white) sit around a rectangular table looking at each other. The three men on the left hand side of the photo are wearing labcoats, the rightmost is wearing a suit and tie. The man in the middle left is leaning forward as if saying something important. The man to the right of him looks taken aback, but has the hint of a smile on his face. The man in the suit is smiling. On the table sits an open, typed document and an ashtray.

So, then I said, "You call that a barber shop quartet?" - Mike Delporte

December 2023 caption photo

All this because of my Vitameatavegamin! - Mary Van Demark

November 2023 Balck and white photograph. A young white woman is ladeling punch into a small cup help by a man in a suit with curly dark hair. The man is laughing and she is smiling. She also holds a small cup. People can be seen in the backgroundm as if at a party.

I think napkins just spoil the adventure – don’t you? - Matt Hinsman

October 2023 Two young women observing a man in a lab coat manipulate a dental mouth mold

"As you can see the canines are strangely oversized," he said, "which can only mean one thing: Vampires." - Taylor Gardner