The first quarter of this year has been a good one for IUPUIScholarWorks. While upgrading our version of DSpace, we also rebuilt our community list on the home page. Currently, thirteen IUPUI schools have collections in ScholarWorks. (We hope that the few remaining schools will create collections before the end of the year.) While making improvements to the website, we were also busy posting new submissions to the repository. Here's what's new in IUPUIScholarWorks for the first quarter of 2014:
Scholarly Articles: 125
ETDs: 124
Gray Literature: 32
We're well on our way to providing open access to over 1,000 new items in the year 2014!
According to Google Analytics popular, recent (4/1/2013-3/31/2014) submissions include:
Coates, H. L. (2013, April 4). Clinical Data Management: Strategies for unregulated data. Retrieved from [Presentation. 121 page views, Jan-March 2014]
Liu, Z. (2014, January 3). Taiwanese accounts of the meaning of their national identity: a qualitative study. Retrieved from [Thesis. 105 page views, Jan-March 2014]
Abell, S. W. (2013, November 6). Parallel acceleration of deadlock detection and avoidance algorithms on GPUs. Retrieved from [Thesis. 103 page views, Jan-March 2014]
Coates, H. L. (2013, April 12). Practical data management: Enabling graduate students and staff to function as ethical actors. Retrieved from [Poster. 90 page views, Jan-March 2014]
Stoltzfus, R. A. (2013, April 1). Experiencing Narrative Pedagogy: Conversations with Nurse Educators. Retrieved from [Dissertation. 76 page views, Jan-March 2014]
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-- Jere Odell