Be Heard: IUPUI Open Access Policy Information Sessions

IUPUI's Faculty Council is currently considering the adoption of a campus-wide, opt-out open access policy. I think that's great news! If you're reading this on a screen, you should think it's great news too. Why? Because this is IUPUI; we do great work here--really. In addition to the second largest medical school in the United States, the IUPUI campus includes a lot of scholars with a passion for civic participation and community engagement. Here's a chance for us to honor those values and to give access to IUPUI's research and scholarship to any reader on the Internet. The good news is that this can be done at no cost to authors and while respecting academic freedom. For the details, read the policy:

If you're not familiar with the Harvard (2008) model open access policy, it's likely that you have some questions about how all this works. Such as: What about copyright? Will this hurt my favorite journal? Why not just use PubMed Central? (Tip: check the policy documentation--where the FAQs are succinctly answered.)

All questions, comments and concerns, however, are encouraged and welcomed at a series of information sessions on the IUPUI campus. Snacks are not provided--sorry--but in the spirit of open access, anyone and everyone is welcomed to attend. Please come.

September 12th: 1-2pm (University Library Auditorium)
September 15th: 3-4pm (University Library Auditorium)
September 16th: 10-11am (Ruth Lilly Medical Library 317)
September 24th: 3-4pm (Ruth Lilly Medical Library 317)
September 25th: 1-2pm (University Library Auditorium)

The second reading of the draft policy at Faculty Council is scheduled for October 7, 2014. This is an important policy for IUPUI faculty authors and their readers. Please show your support.

-- Jere Odell

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