In the most recent issue of C&RL News, the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee provides a short overview of what's hot: "Top trends in academic libraries: a review of the trends and issues affecting academic libraries in higher education." (I read the paper version, by the way--proving, perhaps, that even here in the Center for Digital Scholarship, some things do not get on my desk until they literally get on my desk.) Anyway, in case you're not a CR&L News reader, here are the seven trends:
Device neutral digital services
Evolving openness in higher education
Student success
Competency-based learning
Digital humanities
Reader, I'm proud to announce that our IUPUI University Library Center for Digital Scholarship is ahead of the curve. We are what's hot in academic libraries. We're currently providing services and launching tools to meet scholarly needs related to more than half of these trends. Heather Coates is leading our data-blitz with services for data management and archiving. Ted Polley is showing us how visualization can bring that data to life. Yoo Young Lee is working to put the user's experience first in our site features and designs. Meagan Lacy is boosting student success at the intersection of scholarly communications and information literacy. Eric Snajdr demonstrates how openness works even for a researcher's labnotes. Jenny Johnson, Lisa Calvert George, Anna Proctor, and Lucy Williams are building the foundation for an already awesome suite of digital humanities resources. Andy Smith is working to deploy altmetrics-compliant features on our repository and journal sites. And, of course, we're all lifting the open access banner--in addition to the IUPUI Open Access Publishing Fund, IUPUIScholarWorks and our Open Acess Journals at IUPUI, all of our work is as open and free as possible for readers and educators from around the world.
If you have a project, an idea, or just a bit of curriousity, you should stop by for a visit. Come see us at the Center for Digital Scholarship on the first floor of the library. We're the library others want to be.
-- Jere Odell