Diversity Statement

It is the goal of the University Library to provide students, faculty, and community users with access to resources and services, to increase information access, and to aid in the sharing of knowledge.

Beyond respecting diversity, we recognize that inequity can accompany diversity. We understand that providing all users with the same level of resources and support is not necessarily an issue of equal access, but of equitable access. The goal of providing access to information is as important as removing barriers that might impede or discourage access and engagement. 

The University Library supports an organizational culture and climate where those inequities do not occur, or are remedied when identified. To achieve these goals, the University Library:

  • Provides excellent service to all users, regardless of their race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and expression, marital status, military or veteran status, age and ability.
  • Facilitates access to information resources that provide a wide diversity of views and expression.
  • Makes an intentional decision to avoid "silent censorship," a passive, prejudging process of controlling information, when it comes to the acquisition, storage, or distribution of resources that might be criticized or challenged by some users as offensive or controversial. The absence of certain information resources can be an issue of social justice.
  • Creates and maintains a working environment that embraces diversity among student employees, and part- and full-time faculty and staff employees. The University Library recognizes that diversity among all library employees can significantly contribute to an inclusive library experience for IU Indianapolis students, faculty, and community users.

Approved by University Library Diversity Council 07/18/2017

2020-2025 Diversity Plan