VR Lab

Lab and HMD Reservations


The VR Lab is now open to reserve for your extended reality development needs. The University Library is happy to provide students, faculty, and staff a with research and development space for extended reality technologies. A VR Lab employee will be available during the sessions to guide and aid your experience. The VR Lab is located in Room UL 2135D of the University Library. VR Lab weekly open hours are Monday through Friday from 10 am to 6pm. HMD checkout and space reservations can be made by appointment. These hours are subject to change. Please contact the VR Lab Coordinator Jason Peercy, or the VR Lab staff (ulvr1@iu.edu) any questions.

The VR Lab includes 20 Meta Quest 2 HMDs (for use in the space, or for check out), 8 Meta Quest 3 HMDs (for use in the space or for checkout), 3 Meta Quest 3 (for use on the development computers only), Go Scan 20 3D Scanner, Go Scan 50 3D Scanner, and 3 desktop PCs with Unity, Unreal 5, Side Quest, Steam, Epic Games, Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Adobe InDesign, Maya, Mudbox, VX Elements (Scan and Model), and Davinci Resolve for your VR R&D needs. The lab is available to all students, faculty and staff of IU for research and development, or to experience and gain a better understanding of this emerging technology. 

You can also visit the IU Knowledge Base for information about other Virtual Reality Resources at IU Indianapolis.

Getting Started:


  1. Read our policies below, and be familiar with the University Library Policy.
  2. Schedule time to meet with our XR Lab Specialist who will guide you through the experience.
  3. Come to the lab (UL2135D) to discuss research and development opportunities.

Equipment Available

XR Development Desktop PC - 3

Meta Quest 2 HMF - 20

Meta Quest 3 - 11

Creaform Go Scan 20

Creaform Go Scan 50


XR Lab Policies:

  • The VR lab is available to all IU students, faculty and staff.
  • Room reservation requests must be received at least two (weekday) business days in advance of the requested event.
  • The VR lab can be scheduled up to 2 hours per day per person or group.
    • Faculty seeking to meet in the lab for classes throughout the semester, or it is booking the lab as a conference space should email japeercy@iu.edu
  • Reservations will be cancelled 15 minutes after the scheduled time if a patron does not arrive for the appointment.
  • When returning checked-out equipment, please contact Jason Peercy or the VR Lab staff (ulvr1@iu.edu) to confirm a drop off time to meet at UL RM 2135D.
  • Walk-in visits are welcomed.
  • The VR Lab follows the University Library Computer Use Policy.
  • Food and drink are not allowed within the VR Lab by those reserving it, unless reserved for a special event.
  • Patrons must bring an external hard drive (SSD is best) to use and store project information.


  • Be aware of HMD cables during use.
  • Make certain the controllers are secured to your wrists.
  • Stay within the boundary grid during use.
  • If you feel nausea or discomfort, take the headset off and sit down.
  • Like other gaming products that produce light flashing visual effects, the VR headset may trigger epileptic seizures, fainting or dizziness, even if you have no history of these conditions.
  • Consult your doctor before using the VR equipment if you have a pre-existing medical condition (e.g. heart ailment, anxiety disorders, or PTSD).