Library Instruction

Easy access to information online often makes it difficult for students to locate and evaluate appropriate and credible sources for assignments, research papers, and other activities. Your librarians are committed to helping students develop lifelong Information Literacy (IL) and Critical Thinking (CT) skills to effectively find and use information in order to meaningfully engage in the classroom, with disciplinary scholarship, and in their personal lives.

Project Information Literacy Takeaways

Project Information Literacy Takeways from Six Major Studies



We invite our faculty to explore Information Literacy concepts and how your librarians may help you seamlessly integrate these concepts into course curricula.


 Partner with a Librarian

 Learning Outcomes for Teaching Research Skills

 Create Effective Assignments to Incorporate IL

 Faculty DIY Toolbox 


University Library Educational Philosophy

University Library is learner-centered and committed to lifelong learning. Learners need to be information literate in order to be successful in school and to meet the challenges of the 21st century world. We are committed to developing information literacy knowledge and skills, which we define as thinking critically about information in order to find, evaluate, use, share, and create information ethically and effectively. University Library is committed to developing these information literacy practices through strategic partnerships across campus and throughout the curriculum. To achieve this, we incorporate diverse educational approaches as we engage with learners in classroom instruction, through technology online and in-person, at our information desks, during research consultations, in programming and displays, in our student employment. University Library strives to incorporate best practices in our pedagogy, incorporating collaborative and active learning techniques, and values assessment for continuous improvement. We encourage innovation when developing learning objects and educational tools, and when using instructional technology. University Library educational initiatives strive to be inclusive, equitable, accessible, and open. We believe learning and information are social and value the expertise that learners bring to the education process. Our ultimate goal is to connect with every learner, helping all to succeed.